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Название: Memorandum on a novel IAHE conception of a hydrogen civilisation of the future: historical aspects and the new challenges of the present day
Авторы: Goltsov, V.A.
Гольцов, Виктор Алексеевич
Ключевые слова: hydrogen civilization
водородная цивилизация
коммерциализация водородной экономики
commercialization of hydrogen economy
Дата публикации: 2008
Издатель: Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.
Библиографическое описание: Goltsov, V.A. Memorandum on a novel IAHE conception of a hydrogen civilisation of the future: historical aspects and the new challenges of the present day / V.A. Goltsov // Intern. Journal of Nuclear Hydrogen Production and Applications.– 2008.– Vol.1.- No.4.– P.272–277.
Аннотация: The transition to a hydrogen economy and then to a hydrogen civilisation will be a historic epoch-making transformation. Because such a transformation is on a global scale, one cannot be serene in principle. The whole history of engineering proves this. Along the way, we will come across global achievements and stoppages and maybe even step back. The most important task of the humankind elite is to carefully observe and prevent negative technical and social tendencies of a different nature, but act in a manner similar to the ‘Hindenburg syndrome’.
URI: http://ea.donntu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/8479
Располагается в коллекциях:Статьи сотрудников кафедры физики

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