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Авторы: Yaroshevskiy, S.L.
Kochura, V.V.
Popov, V.
Braga, V.
Ярошевский, Станислав Львович
Кочура, Владимир Васильевич
Попов, В.
Брага, В.В.
Ключевые слова: coke
pulverized coal
blast furnace
blast furnace dust
Дата публикации: 2006
Издатель: Osaka University
Библиографическое описание: FUNDAMENTALS ASPECTS AND INDUSTRIAL PRACTICE OF COAL INJECTION IN THE BLAST FURNACE AT DONETSK METALLURGICAL WORKS / S. Yaroshevskiy, V. Kochura, V. Popov, V. Braga //The 4th International Congress on the Science and Technology of Ironmaking (ICSTI`96) November 26-30,2006 Osaka, Japan – Osaka: Osaka University, 2006.– P.331-334.
Аннотация: The operational experience of the first in Europe industrial complex on preparation and coal injection in the blast furnace at Donetsk Metallurgical Works is described. Technical and economical parameters of blast furnace operation with pulverized coal injection have been examined. Theoretical and experimental researches of pulverized coal burning process have been carried out. Research of pulverized coal burning has been carried out with sampling of materials from blast furnace dust, sludge and slag. Unused pulverized coal and coke particles in blast furnace dust and slag were investigated by means of microscopic and chemical analysis. Effect of coal composition on its use efficiency in blast furnace operation has been examined. Technical and economical parameters of blast furnace operation when injecting various brands of pulverized coal has been examined. Quality of a grinding of coal and uniformity of distribution on tuyere have been investigated. The tuyere design with pulverized coal injection has been developed. Theoretical and experimental researches of pulverized coal burning process have been carried out. Research of pulverized coal burning has been carried out with sampling of materials from blast furnace dust, sludge and slag. Unused pulverized coal and coke particles in blast furnace dust, sludge and slag were investigated by means of microscopic and chemical analysis. Effect of coal composition on its use efficiency in blast furnace operation has been examined.
URI: http://ea.donntu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/5969
Другие идентификаторы: УДК
Располагается в коллекциях:Научные труды сотрудников кафедры руднотермических процессов и малоотходных технологий

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