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Название: The Principle of Full and Complex Compensation at Replacement of Coke With Pulverized Coal; Resources of Technology
Авторы: Yaroshevskiy, S.L.
Kochura, V.V.
Ярошевский, Станислав Львович
Кочура, Владимир Васильевич
Ключевые слова: blast furnace
pulverized coal
Дата публикации: 2009
Библиографическое описание: Yaroshevskiy, S.L. The Principle of Full and Complex Compensation at Replacement of Coke With Pulverized Coal; Resources of Technology / S.L. Yaroshevskiy, V.V. Kochura //The 5th International Congress on the Science and Technology of Ironmaking (ICSTI`99) November 19-23,2009 Shanghai, China – Shanghai, 2009.– PP.70-78.
Аннотация: The theory of full and complex compensation of changes of the technological parameters of blast furnace operation was developed. It supplies opportunity to save or to improve using conditions and efficiency injection of high rate of additional fuel. On an example of operation of blast furnaces with pulverized coal injection up to 250 kg/tHM the quantitative indexes of the given theory are calculated. The most effective compensating measures are justified. The mathematical model of blast furnace operation, permitting to choose optimal technological conditions at a sequential increasing pulverized coal rate up to 250 kg/tHM and decrease in coke rate by 50%-70% at saving or improving other Ironmaking characteristics, was proposed. The technological calculations for metallurgical works of Ukraine were carried out.
URI: http://ea.donntu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/5926
Располагается в коллекциях:Научные труды сотрудников кафедры руднотермических процессов и малоотходных технологий

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