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Название: "Решатель задач" в системе дистанционного обучения функциональному программированию
Другие названия: "Task solver" in distance education system of functional programming
Авторы: Дацун, Н.Н.
Другобицкий, А.Ю.
Ключевые слова: дистанционное обучение
функциональное программирование
решатель задач
distance education
functional programming
task solver
Дата публикации: Сен-2002
Издатель: Запорожский государственный университет
Библиографическое описание: Дацун Н.Н., Другобицкий А.Ю. "Решатель задач" в системе дистанционного обучения функциональному программированию/ IT+SE 2002. – Украина, Крым. Ялта-Гурзуф, 20-27сентября 2002. – Запорожье: Запорожский государственный университет, 2002. – с. 81-82.
Серия/номер: ;D6
Описание: Functional programming (and Lisp language) left for frames of language of machine intelligence and is actively used for making the applications. Now does not exist any systems of distance education to functional programming, which had in its composition a Lisp translator as 'Task Solver". Such a integration can raise efficiency training systems: "distance" student can immediately use got portion of knowledge in practice. So problem of development distance automated learning course on functional programming with built-in LISP interpreter is staying actual. The First version of similarred course has the interpreter of subset of Common Lisp language, which realized as ActiveX control, built-in in distance Internet-course. The most further development of offered approach is considered in report for development and realization "Task Solver" in distance education system of functional programming. Proposed structure of "Task Solver": The distance education system runs under web-server IIS 5.0 (5.5) on Windows 2000/XP/.NET operating system. Static pages (containing methodical material of functional programming) marketed in html-pages, but dynamic pages(including "Task Solver") - in ASP+-pages (with extension .aspx). The main purpose is realizing the most part of "Task Solver" using possibilities of server and delegating to client software function of displaying information to the user of distance education system. 'Task Solver" machine code is realized as "web-controls" (the element of new Microsoft conception of web-applications). Resulting page doesn't include potentially dangerous ActiveX-component or slowly working Java-applet, but mobile HTML-code which is visible on any client place, equipped by web-browser. Offered system of MSIL-code dynamic generation and executing of Lisp language, developed on qualitative new technological and technical level, will allow to simplify work and increase the number of possible client places of distance education system of functional programming.
URI: http://ea.donntu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/5714
Располагается в коллекциях:Публікації у збірниках праць конференцій

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