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Авторы: Potârniche, Ş.
Slătineanu, L.
Gherman, L.A.
Grigoraş, I.
Nistoroschi, G.
Дата публикации: 2011
Издатель: ДонНТУ
Библиографическое описание: Современные проблемы техносферы и подготовки инженерных кадров // Сборник трудов III Международного научно-методического семинара в г. Табарка с 06 по 15 октября. – Донецк: ДонНТУ, 2011
Аннотация: One of the characteristics of the surfaces obtained as result of applying a certain machining process is the surface roughness. Even nowadays there are many parameters used to define the surface roughness, on the mechanical drawings especially the surface roughness parameter Ra is inscribed. The size of the surface roughness can be modified by various machining methods; one of these machining methods is the surface abrasive jet machining, which is based on the effects generated at the contact of the abrasive particles transported and directed to the workpiece surface by means of a compressed air jet. The results of the applying the abrasive jet machining can be influenced by the machining conditions; the paper presents some experimental results obtained at the study of the influence exerted by the average dimensions of the abrasive particles, by the distance between the nozzle and the flat surface of the test piece and by the angle of inclination between the abrasive jet and the flat surface of the test piece on the size of the surface roughness parameter Ra. The main conclusion was that for the considered experimental conditions, only the distance between the nozzle and the flat surface of the test piece exerts a significant influence on the surface parameter Ra.
URI: http://ea.donntu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/4520
Располагается в коллекциях:Современные проблемы техносферы и подготовки инженерных кадров

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