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Название: Особенности конструкции трайб-аппарата для подачи порошковой ленты в литейном производстве и механизации армирования бетонных изделий
Авторы: Бабанин, Анатолий Яковлевич
Ткачев, Михаил Юрьевич
Белоусов, Вячеслав Владимирович
Паламарчук, Николай Владимирович
Ключевые слова: трайб-аппарат
порошковая лента
высокоактивный реагент
литейное производство
детали агрегатов и машин
машиностроительные и ремонтно-механические заводы
wire-feeding machine
filler wire
highly active reagent
foundries, parts of machines
mechanical engineering and repair plants
Дата публикации: 20-Май-2019
Серия/номер: Вестник ДонНТУ. – Донецк: ГОУ ВПО «Донецкий национальный технический университет»;2017. – № 3. – С. 30–37.
Аннотация: Методом математического моделирования выполнен сравнительный анализ динамики растворения порошковой проволоки и ленты в расплаве. Разработана конструкция, выполнен проект и изготовлен трайб-аппарат для обработки расплавов порошковой лентой с высокоактивными реагентами в условиях литейного производства машиностроительных и ремонтно-механических предприятий применительно к производству агрегатов, машин и оборудования повышенного качества. Проведены промышленные испытания трайб-аппарата и разработаны технологии обработки порошковой лентой с алюминиевой стружкой и силикокальцием. Background. For ladle treatment of steel by cored wire with highly active reagents, the wire feeding machine designed and the production of cored wire with various fillers mastered. The cored wire input in casting ladles at great speed (2-5 m/s) and depth of metal (3-4 m), and the transition of filler into the melt, depending on the input speed and the temperature of the metal, occurs at a depth of 2-4 m. These input modes of highly active reagents are inappropriate for the foundry. The cored wire input into small containers even at speeds of 0.2-0.5 m/s went undissolved throughout the depth of the melt and reached the bottom. This creates additional resistance to the input and can stop the treatment process and change the direction of the wire, its dissolution in the upper layers of the melt and reduce the degree of assimilation of the input component. Therefore, the design of the wire-feeding machine is a topical scientific-technical task of engineering. Materials and/or methods. For the comparative assessment of processes of melting of cored wire and filler wire in the melt, the previously formulated mathematical model of the behavior of cored wire adapted to the study of the behavior of filler wire. The major assemblies, components, and materials for the manufacture designed on the basis of the calculations with the application of fundamental provisions of theoretical mechanics, the theory of mechanisms and machines. Results. Applied to the working conditions of the foundry designed and manufactured the wire- feeding machine for foundry steel and iron treatment by filler wire with highly active reagents in casting ladles of small capacity. The design features are the application of a two-cage feeder with a filler wire clamp mechanism and toothed guide rollers, chain drives, electric motor with continuously adjustable speed and reverse. The wire-feeding machine allows feeding the filler wire at a speed of 0.1-1.0 m/s and a distance of 5-7 m, controlling the input speed and the length of the filler wire, and remote and stationary control of feeding. Conclusion. The results of the work allow filling the gap in domestic methodology for designing non-standard equipment and ensuring industrial application of the technology of ladle treatment of melts in foundries of mechanical engineering and repair plants. The proposed scheme of the wire-feeding machine ensures full mechanization and automation of ladle treatment of casting melts by a filler wire with highly active reagents. JSC "Toreztverdosplav" has mastered serial production of wire-feeding machines of this design.
URI: http://ea.donntu.org/handle/123456789/33980
Располагается в коллекциях:Статьи кафедры механического оборудования заводов черной металлургии

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