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Название: Numerical Analysis and Design of an Efficient System of Unloading of Lime from a Shaft Burning Furnace
Авторы: Eron’ko, S.P.
Tkachev, M.Yu.
Oshovskaya, E.V.
Smirnov, E.N.
Sklyar, V.A.
Ключевые слова: shaft furnace
unloading unit
loose material
Дата публикации: 17-Май-2019
Серия/номер: Translated from Metallurg;2018. – Т. 62. – № 7. – P.P. 648–657.
Аннотация: We consider principle of operation and a procedure of evaluation of the constructive, energy, and force parameters of the drive of a new system of unloading of a shaft lime-gas furnace. The proposed method enables us to determine the power of the electromechanical drive of the system with the rational number of knives-scrapers required to guarantee the desired productivity of a vertical-type furnace with the maximum possible uniformity of the unloading of burnt lime over the perimeter of a moving hearth with regard for the mechanical characteristics of the loose material and the design parameters of the unit.
URI: http://ea.donntu.org/handle/123456789/33962
Располагается в коллекциях:Статьи Еронько С.П.

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