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Сборник научных трудов "Системный анализ и информационные технологии в науках о природе и обществе" >
№1(10)-2(11)'2016 >

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Название: The use of natural science methods for phenomenological models development in the social and human sciences
Авторы: Zviagintseva, Anna
Аverin, Gennadiy
Ключевые слова: Natural scientific methods
phenomenological model
socio-economic and environmental systems
естественнонаучные методы
социально- экономические и экологические системы
феноменологические модели
природничо-наукові методи
феноменологічні моделі
соціально-економічні та екологічні системи
Дата публикации: 2016
Издатель: ДонНТУ
Аннотация: The use of natural science methods for phenomenological models development in the social and human sciences”. This paper is an attempt to outline the ways of the solutions to some common problems in social and human sciences fields related with observation or experience data describing. Such data usually are represented by three-dimensional data arrays in the form “objects-figures-time”. The main purpose of this paper is to study the possibility of phenomenological models development establishing on the such data basis having different multidimensional field representation of quantitative information about objects and systems status. The creation principles and phenomenological models theory construction in the social and human sciences are proposed. The relations and equations for applied problems solving are obtained. As an example of natural science methods applying in social and human knowledge areas there was made the country’s development comprehensive assessment with use of the United Nations Development Program database, which is based on the joint monitoring events analysis of four basic human development indicators (HDI).
URI: http://ea.donntu.org/handle/123456789/31333
Располагается в коллекциях:№1(10)-2(11)'2016

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2.2! Звягинцева А.В._Аверин Г.В..pdfПрименение естественнонаучных методов при разработке феноменологических моделей в общественно-гуманитарных науках, Звягинцева А. В. ,Аверин Г. В.1.61 MBAdobe PDFПросмотреть/Открыть

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