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Название: Інституційні особливості ефективної державної політики в Україні
Другие названия: Institutional Featuresof Effective Public Policy in Ukraine
Авторы: Гунько, В.І.
Gunko, V.I.
Ключевые слова: державна економічна політика
формальні і неформальні інститути
трансакційні витрати
специфікація прав власності
economic policy of the state
formal and informal institutions
transaction expenses
specification of property rights
институциональная экономика
государственная экономическая политика
формальные и неформальные институты
трансакционные издержки
спецификация прав собственности
Дата публикации: 2014
Издатель: ДонНТУ
Библиографическое описание: Наукові праці Донецького національного технічного університету. Серія: Економічна. №3 / ДВНЗ "ДонНТУ" ; редкол.: В.В. Дементьєв (голов. ред.) та ін. - Донецьк : ДВНЗ "ДонНТУ", 2014.
Аннотация: Проаналізовано інституційні особливості державної економічної політики в Україні в контексті ефективності, здійснено генезис поглядів щодо реалізації державної економічної політики у сучасній економічній науці. Визначено роль формальних і неформальних інститутів, що безпосередньо впливають на економічне зростання та підтримують господарську стабільність. Наведено динаміку основних макроекономічних показників, що визначають ефективність функціонування економіки України, та представлено аналогічні основні макроекономічні показники в деяких Європейських країнах. Вказано основні інституційні чинники, які перешкоджають ефективній економічній політиці України, а також ряд чинників, що забезпечують позитивну динаміку ефективної економічної політики успішних країн.
Описание: In the context of efficiency institutional peculiarities of the state economic policy in Ukraine are analyzed, the roles of formal and informal Institutions, which have direct impact on economic growth and maintain economic stability, are determined. The dynamics of the basic macroeconomic figures, defining the efficiency of the functioning of the Ukrainian economy of are cited and a comparative analysis on the basis of stated facts is implemented. In the course of research of the effectiveness of the national economic policy the necessity of analysis of the institutional environment in conformity to formal rules with informal and defining the institutional stimuli of the economic behavior of the economic agents taking into account the impact of the state, are recognized. It is also clarified that specific feature of Ukrainian economy is that the institutionalization of informal rules of the economic behavior is leading to the overgrowth of the transaction expenses, corruption and the increase of shadow economy. Above-noted facts result from contradiction and inconsistency of the formal Institutions among them and their discrepancy between those informal Institutions which were forced to be started in the economy of the state. Taking into account the defining role of property rights specification in transformation period, our attention is focused on major premises concerning the formation of property relations which we can observe in developed economies. It is noted that property rights in Ukraine depend upon “the status of legality”, they are vague and this leads to rent-oriented excessive risks and transaction expenses of entrepreneurs in the economic activity. The main institutional factors were revealed which prevented the effective economic policy of Ukraine, in particular: the neutralization of Civil society Institutions which are capable of effective restriction of authorities’ actions, first of all in the sphere of rent; corruption loyalty that becomes the basis of systemic corruption, chronic backward of the legislation from economic dynamics, its inadequacy concerning legal regulative support of the economic Institutions’ development, the institutionalization of the “double standards” and different rules of “market game” for different economic entities depending on their approaching to the power or “corrupt roof”, the use of corruption courts for unfair competition and “economic struggle” with the political competitors; disinterest of officials to establish “transparent rules” for entities of market relations in the process of regulation of economic relations between government institutions, firms and households, strengthening the positions of “oligarchic capitalism” in the country’s economy and politics. By taking into account mentioned above, the aspects of state policy, which provide positive dynamics of economic development, were formulated and primarily: reliable protection of property rights and transactions, which are fixed by a relevant contract system. Mentioned above will provide positive influence on the long-term economic growth and investment process; business depoliticization that is elimination of institutional interference in companies’ management and granting of control rights over cash flows in favor of the private firms owners, availability of hard formal and informal restrictions for wielders of power in the sphere of property and business interests; the real independence of the judicial power, which performs the functions of independent arbiter in practical activities in the sphere of private property protection and contractual commitments, elimination of barriers in the field of competition and destruction of regulative obstacles.
URI: http://ea.donntu.org/handle/123456789/31286
Располагается в коллекциях:Випуск 3

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