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Название: Особенности формирования институциональных механизмов интегрированного управления экономикой для устойчивого развития (исторический опыт трудового братства Н.Н. Неплюева)
Другие названия: Specific Features of Formingthe Institutional Mechanisms of Integrated Control overEconomy for Sustainable Development (Historical Experience of the Labour Brotherhood by N.N. Neplyuev)
Авторы: Мельник, Л.Г.
Шкарупа, Е.В.
Ковалёв, Б.Л.
Melnyk, L.G.
Shkarupa, E.V.
Kovalyov, B.L.
Ключевые слова: институциональная экономика
устойчивое развитие
институциональные механизмы
принципы управления
социально-экономическая система
sustainable development
institutional mechanisms
principles of control
socioeconomic system
Дата публикации: 2014
Издатель: ДонНТУ
Библиографическое описание: Наукові праці Донецького національного технічного університету. Серія: Економічна. №3 / ДВНЗ "ДонНТУ" ; редкол.: В.В. Дементьєв (голов. ред.) та ін. - Донецьк : ДВНЗ "ДонНТУ", 2014.
Аннотация: Изложены аспекты формирования институциональных особенностей управления экономикой в контексте устойчивого развития. Анализируются некоторые проблемы современной концепции устойчивого развития и причины социально-экономических успехов Трудового Братства Н.Н. Неплюева. На основе критического осмысления опыта жизнедеятельности социально-экономической системы Братства и принципов их устойчивого развития предложены научные подходы к решению проблем институционального управления экономикой для устойчивого развития.
Описание: It is grounded that the specific feature of modern social and economic development is aggravation of various contradictions within the limits of eco-, social and economic system, that need new institutional transformations in the economy, social life and ecological policy. The authors refer to considerable results in the sphere of methodology of sustainable development, and at the same time to different points of view the usage of generally accepted definitions of this theory. Inappropriate and frequent exploitation of the notion of sustainable development leads to semantic blurring in the process of its use and enhances uncertainty in reaching its aims. In terms of understanding of institutional mechanisms for the sustainable development problems concerning practical solutions to problems of transition to the sustainable development is analyzed. It is stated, that in contemporary science poor conventional understanding of defining institutional mechanisms for the sustainable development exists, and also, there is no interpretation of the institutional mechanisms connected with integrated control of economy for the sustainable development, which could be recognized in a scientific community at large. The necessity to develop principles of the institutional mechanisms of integrated control on the basis of moral principles and laws, which helps to increase effectiveness of economic functioning, to considerably increase goods competitiveness an economic and ecological security of the country, is proved. The lack of the institutional mechanisms of integrated control of system complex «economy-socium-ecology» slows downa metabolic activity of economy and sustainable development processes. Methodological foundations of institutional mechanisms formation for integrated control of economy by researching social and economic system of the Labour Brotherhood by N.N. Neplyuev are considered. Some problems of a modern conception concerning sustainable development and reasons for social and economic success of the Labour Brotherhood by N.N. Neplyuev are analyzed. It is concluded that economic success the Brotherhood was predetermined by Neplyuev’s clear understanding of the key principles and aims connected with creation of fundamentally new relationships and a brand new society based on them. It relied on deep moral roots, put in within Christianity, and broad scientific knowledge. The spiritual constituent, based on the Christian (orthodox) world view, was determinative in the creation of this community. Social and personal advance of a person was in the first place of progressive community development. One of the most important components of the community was upbringing and education based on high cultural achievements, scientific knowledge as an integral part of culture, and advanced forms of labor organization and the attitude towards it as a creative process. The extensive economic base, grounded on Neplyuev’s personal experience and clear understanding how to work it to the benefit: «not alms, not gift, but creation of the system, which allows creating and reproducing vital material values». Thus, priorities of non-material assets development, an elegant simplicity of household activities and almost perfect pay system should take place. Synergy and integrated development of economy and mineral resources, low-waste production and the rational use of natural resources may show an ambition to achieve the sustainable development. In addition, it is stated that economic efficiency of capital service and labor factors is much higher than it is beyond the Brotherhood. In terms of critical re-evaluation of life-sustaining activity of the Brotherhood’s socioeco-nomic system and the principles of the sustainable development, the scientific approaches to solve problems concerning institutional control of economy for the sustainable development are given.
URI: http://ea.donntu.org/handle/123456789/31280
Располагается в коллекциях:Випуск 3

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