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Название: Институт хозяйственной этики в контексте социально-культурного развития
Другие названия: Economic Ethics Institution in the Context of Socio-Cultural Development
Авторы: Ляшенко, Л.И.
Lyashenko, L.
Ключевые слова: институциональная экономика
хозяйственная этика
социально-культурное развитие
утилитаристская мораль
деонтологические принципы
business ethics
socio-cultural development
utilitarian morality
deontological principles
Дата публикации: 2014
Издатель: ДонНТУ
Библиографическое описание: Наукові праці Донецького національного технічного університету. Серія: Економічна. №3 / ДВНЗ "ДонНТУ" ; редкол.: В.В. Дементьєв (голов. ред.) та ін. - Донецьк : ДВНЗ "ДонНТУ", 2014.
Аннотация: Хозяйственная этика как моральные принципы в экономике отражает процесс взаимодействия способа производства и способа жизнедеятельности. Способ производства и способ жизнедеятельности тесно взаимосвязаны на основе фундаментальных ценностей - совокупности морально-этических норм, правил и стереотипов поведения, образующих культурно-исторические корни данной нации. Современная рыночная экономика выделяет три типа своего морального обоснования: эгоистический, утилитаристский, деонтологический. Система нравственных ценностей, которую формировало украинская нация, в большей степени соответствует принципам деонтологического направления, предполагающую иерархию мотиваций, включая духовную, профессиональную, социальную, экономическую и др., которые логично структурируются, что способствует этизации экономики как единственного фактора разрешения современных проблем.
Описание: Economic ethics as moral principles in the economy reflects the interaction of the production mode and the vital activity mode. Mode of production and way of life are closely related on the basis of fundamental values - the totality of moral and ethical standards, rules and behaviors that form the cultural and historical tradition of the nation and civilization. Accordingly, in order for economic ethics to fulfill regulatory functions, coordinating and monitoring the behavior of economic subjects, it must rely on the laws of a particular society, which in turn are always based on the fundamental national values and are part of national traditions, norms and ethnic behavioral stereotypes. Technological components of the production mode are always subject to a certain modernization. Socio-cultural characteristics in the form of moral standards vary much slower, because they reflect the cultural aspects of society. Modern market economy identifies three types of its moral justification: egoistic, utilitarian, deontological. Egoistic morality presupposes following its own economic interests, regardless of standards and long-term consequences. Decisive force which corrects the behavior is external, including coercive sanctions, and moral motives are considered to be “a scarce resource” and are not taken into account. Utilitarian morality involves going beyond direct egoistic aims to the sphere of normative individualism. It aims to maximize benefits or minimize costs; however, it is focused on the longer term and includes their own reputation or “organizational capital”. Honest behavior pays off and brings an additional benefit. Deontological ethics comes from the existence of codes of conduct that are not reducible to economic interest and do not need external coercion. It is assumed that honest business exists not because honesty is beneficial, but dishonesty is always punished. Economic subjects are subdued to moral imperatives, which in turn are based on tradition, are formed in the socio-cultural environment, or they are products of ideological influences. Deontological morality sets serving the public interest as its priority interests, but not maximizing profitability and profit. Economic activities are considered as a duty to the society, to future generations, which requires a completely different approach to the use of resources in production. In business ethics there is certain hierarchy of motivations based on deontological principles, including logically structured spiritual, professional, social, economic ones, etc. Upper level in the hierarchy is occupied by spiritual motivation that focuses subjects on the socialgoals in their business activities. Professional motivation focuses on the employee's attitude to its activities as a scarce resource, the social significance of which is confirmed by the corresponding reward, which gives them decent life. Social motivation within business ethics of deontological type implies the need to support the most socially important sectors of the economy, regardless of their current level of profitability. Thus, the functioning of business ethics on the principles of social and cultural value system focused on deontological principles of morality, which corresponds to the socio-cultural traditions of the Ukrainian nation, can contribute to injecting ethics into the economy as practically the only factor for solving current economic, environmental, social, political, philosophical and moral, and other problems.
URI: http://ea.donntu.org/handle/123456789/31277
Располагается в коллекциях:Випуск 3

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