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Название: Методологічні основи дослідження договірного права
Другие названия: Methodological Basis for Contract Law Research
Авторы: Гриценко, О.А.
Gritsenko, Ye.
Ключевые слова: договірне право
трансакційні витрати
недосконалість інформації
contract law
transaction costs
information inadequacy
институиональная экономика
договорное право
трансакционные издержки
несовершенство информации
Дата публикации: 2014
Издатель: ДонНТУ
Библиографическое описание: Наукові праці Донецького національного технічного університету. Серія: Економічна. №3 / ДВНЗ "ДонНТУ" ; редкол.: В.В. Дементьєв (голов. ред.) та ін. - Донецьк : ДВНЗ "ДонНТУ", 2014.
Аннотация: Договірне право оформлює економічні відносини обміну. Необхідність договірного права виникає в наслідок неповноти інформації, опортуністичної поведінки та значних за розміром трансакційних витрат специфікації прав власності. Основні функції договірного права: зняти суперечності між інтересами різних суб’єктів угоди на принципах врівноваження вартості благ чи цінності отриманих переваг, утримання суб’єктів від опортуністичної поведінки, забез-печити економічну ефективність взаємовідносин на принципі поліпшення по Парето- ефективності, зменшити та розподілити ризики, що виникають в наслідок несприятливої невизначеності.
Описание: xchange is a key part of economic relations. Its economic nature is to achieve efficient and equitable distribution of resources by way of comparing the conditions of wealth reproduction and provision of equivalent and balanced replacement of benefits. But exchange is possible only when the owners of the goods treat each other as individuals having the will to dispose of things. Therefore, exchange is always the act of volition (strong-willed attitude) regardless of whether it is legal or not. Volition of producers is revealed in their ability to set corporate objective and direct inner efforts to achieve it. Volition of exchange subjects forms legal awareness that determines permitted and possible forms of behaviour. From the point of view of the economic theory contract relationship do not require legal protection if they are perfect. That is why contract relationship are not included in the study. But the perfect contract arises only if the rights and obligations of the agreement parties transform simultaneously and are performed in a single act. In this case, two significant threats to the contract relationship are prevented, i.e. opportunistic behaviour and unpredictability of future events. The methodology of institutional theory involves the exchange of transactions, which highlights the following moments — the activity (act) of two parties with conflicting interests (contract), the result of a concordance (agreement) which will be outside of the transaction (trans). In modern conditions the contract relationship is always imperfect, since information is extensive, complex, asymmetric, asynchronous, and uncertain. The main disadvantage of imperfect information is misuse of information. This is revealed in its concealment, insufficiency, inaccuracy, misinterpretation, mistakes, etc. Information misuse is the basis of fraud. The latter is not an economic category, but plays an important role in understanding the contract relationship and, therefore, requires special methodological tools for learning. The basic meaning of contract law is, firstly, to remove the contradictions between different subjects on the principles of benefits cost balancing or value of benefits; secondly, to keep the subjects of the transaction from opportunistic behavior in order to optimize the partnership and reduce costs to protect their own interests; thirdly, to ensure economic efficiency of relations on the principles of the model “Pareto efficiency” improvement; fourthly, to reduce and spread risks, which arise because of the unfavorable uncertainty in the future. Contract law allows adjusting the imperfect nature of contracts, bringing them closer to the conditions of perfect contracts. This is achieved through the performing of institutional functions by the contract relationship together - summarizing the whole of information which is necessary for a transaction, reducing the level of uncertainty in the behavior of the contracting parties, reducing the transaction costs for reciprocal actions, coordinating the subject actions on the horizontal level and in hierarchical relationships in the system, limiting will expression of contract subjects within a certain freedom corridor.
URI: http://ea.donntu.org/handle/123456789/31267
Располагается в коллекциях:Випуск 3

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