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Название: Анализ напряженно-деформированного состояния железнодорожных колес по ГОСТ 10791-2011 при осевой нагрузке до 30 тс
Другие названия: Analysis of stress-strained state of railway wheels according to GOST 10791-2011 under axial load up to 30 tf
Авторы: Снитко, С.А.
Яковченко, А.В.
Голышков, Р.А.
Snitko, S.A.
Yakovchenko, A.V.
Golyshkov, R.A.
Ключевые слова: железнодорожное колесо
напряженно-деформированное состояние
эксплуатационные нагрузки
конечно-элементное моделирование
износ поверхности катания обода
railway wheel
stress-strained state
finite-elemental simulation
wear of rim tread surface
Дата публикации: 2016
Издатель: ДонНТУ
Библиографическое описание: Снитко, С.А. Анализ напряженно-деформированного состояния железнодорожных колес по ГОСТ10791-2011 при осевой нагрузке до30 тс/ С.А. Снитко, А.В. Яковченко, Р.А. Голышков // Вестник ДонНТУ. - 2016. - №3(3). - С. 3–13. - Библиогр. в конце ст.
Аннотация: Выполнена адаптация методики конечно-элементного моделирования напряженно-деформированного состояния железнодорожных колес для условий их нагружения при эксплуатации. На ее основе проведен сравнительный анализ колес, удовлетворяющих ГОСТ10791-2011, для осевой нагрузки до30 тс, и предложена новая низконапряженная конструкция колеса.
Описание: Background. The analysis of stress-strained state of wheels,as well as the creation of new wheels that are designed for the higher axial loads to 30 tf (294.3 kN) and are to ensure minimization of stresses in them from operational loads, their mass decrease, as well as more uniform wear of the running surface of wheels is an actual scientific and technical problem. Materials and/or methods. The objective of this paper is to adapt the method of finite-elemental simulation of stress-strained state of wheels for the conditions of operational loads, the analysis on this basis and on the basis of the known load cases of a number of wheel designs that meet the GOST 10791-2011, and designing new low-strained wheels for operation with axial load up to 30 tf. Evaluation of the effectiveness of wheel designs hasbeen done by analyzing the stress-strained state of wheel discs under operating loads. The calculationswere done in the finite-elemental simulation system DEFORM-3D. Results. A new wheel design with a 4-curved disk isproposed, which has a number of advantages. First, the new wheel mass is equal to the weight of the wheel with a panhead disk and, accordingly, it is 17-22 kilos lighter than wheels with curved disks,having a central camber, as presented in GOST 10791-2011. Second, the wheel has a low-strained design that is provided both by the minimization of stress in the disc and reducing the tendency to concentration of stress in the same areas of the disk under various types of loading. Third, the reducedand more uniform distribution of contact pressure at the tread surface of the rim and, as a consequence, the increased uniformity of its wear is provided. Conclusion. The adaptation of the method of finite-elemental simulation of the stress-strained state of wheels for the conditions of operational loads is implemented. It is established that the deviation of the calculated stress values from the experimental does not exceed 15%. Based on it, a comparative analysis of the wheels meeting the requirements of GOST 10791-2011 for axial loads up to 30 tf is done, and the new low-strain wheel design is proposed.
URI: http://ea.donntu.org/handle/123456789/30696
Располагается в коллекциях:№3(3)'2016

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