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Название: Энергозатраты ударных дробилок с жестким и шарнирным креплением бил к ротору
Другие названия: Comparative analysis of energy consumption of shock crushers with hard and hinged fastening of beats to the rotor
Авторы: Власенко, Д.А.
Павлиненко, О.И.
Левченко, Э.П.
Vlasenko, D.A.
Pavlinenko, O.I.
Levchenko, E.P.
Ключевые слова: роторная дробилка
молотковая дробилка
энергия удара
rotary crusher
hammer mill
shock energy
Дата публикации: 2016
Издатель: ДонНТУ
Библиографическое описание: Власенко, Д.А. Энергозатраты ударных дробилок с жестким и шарнирным креплением бил к ротору / Д.А. Власенко, О.И. Павлиненко, Э.П. Левченко // Вестник ДонНТУ. - 2016. - №3(3). - С. 21–26. - Библиогр. в конце ст.
Аннотация: Приведены результаты исследований энергозатрат на дробление при сравнительном анализе ударных дробилок с жестким и шарнирным креплением бил к ротору. Выявлена высокая эффективность работы роторных дробилок по сравнению с молотковыми.
Описание: Background. The analysis of the process of lime crushing in hammer mills and the development of improved processes of crushing, allowing maximum use of the crash pulse of a rotating system of hammers for more effective destruction, is an urgent scientific task aimed at increasing the efficiency of crushing and grinding machines. The objective of this paper is to determine the comparative effect of imposing shock loads on the material with hard fastening of beats to the rotor, as implemented in rotary crushers, and with hinged fastening as it is in hammer mills. Materials and/or methods. A significant effect of the fractional composition of lime supplied to the charge for sinter production with the best consumer properties is revealed through analytical review. Based on the definition of kinetic energy the researchresults of energy consumption for crushing are presented at a comparative analysis of shock crushers with the hard and hinged fastening of beats to the rotor. The high efficiency of rotary crushers is revealed as compared with hammer crushers. The effectiveness evaluation of the considered variants of the suspension through the method of comparative analysis of the kinetic energy consumption for lime crushing have shown high efficiency of use of a hard anchorage. Results. A new concept of increasing the rigidity of the system of shock elements of the hammer mill suspension is proposed, which has a number of advantages. First, the shock energy of a hinged hammer decreases substantially with increasing the chunk size of the crushed material, while with the hard fastening it remains constant. Efficiency in the initial stage of crushing, using a rotary crusher, with the hard fastening of beats will be unchanged. Secondly, shock crushers with hard anchorage are more efficient than hammer mills, but their drawback isthe rapid wear of the working bodies. Third, a promising way of crushing to improve the quality of limestone is the synthesis of new crushers designs, which combines hard fastening of beats with the possibility of their protection from destruction, as in hammer mills, due to the loss of beats rigidityduring their contact with non-crushable bodies. Conclusion. Based on the definition of kinetic energy the research results of energy consumption for crushing are presented at a comparative analysis of shock crushers with the hard and hinged fastening of beats to the rotor.
URI: http://ea.donntu.org/handle/123456789/30695
Располагается в коллекциях:№3(3)'2016

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