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Название: Исследование эколого-экономического состояния Донбасса на современном этапе
Другие названия: The study of ecological and economic condition of the Donbass region at the present stage
Авторы: Дариенко, О.Л.
Дейна, А.Э.
Darienko, O.L.
Deina, A.E.
Ключевые слова: эколого-экономический ущерб
плодородие земель
ecological and economic damage
environmental risks
Дата публикации: 2016
Издатель: ДонНТУ
Библиографическое описание: Дариенко, О. Л. Исследование эколого-экономического состояния Донбасса на современном этапе / О. Л. Дариенко, А. Э. Дейна // Вестник ДонНТУ. - 2016. - №2(2). - С. 50–55. - Библиогр. в конце ст.
Аннотация: Рассмотрены и проанализированы эколого-экономические последствия военного конфликта в Донбассе. Произведена оценка величины эколого-экономического ущерба в условиях интенсивного снижения плодородия земель вследствие военных действий.
Описание: Background. Military conflicts are the extremely dangerous phenomena for humanity, characterized by a large number of victims and undermining the life foundations of the population. They are the detonator of the accumulated ecological and economic problems of society, causing negative changes in the environment. Military conflicts lead to economic damage, expressed in the cost of liquidation of ecologically destructive consequences. The anthropogenic impact of military conflicts on the environment can be considered from the perspective of three aspects: excessive use of natural conditions and resources within the territory; use of the environment as a landfill for military wastes and by-products; the threat to the natural life foundations of the biosphere. One of the main problems of military conflict in Donbass is a violation of soil homogeneity, decrease in soil fertility, elimination of flora, fauna, and microorganisms. Ecological and economic damage of these effects involves the assessment of potential and actual losses as a result of negative anthropogenic impacts and the resources needed to eliminate the negative effects of the total anthropogenic load. Materials and/or methods. In modern practice, there is no unified approach to the assessment of environmental and economic damages to the agricultural land use. This assessment is to determine damages in cost form. But this approach does not alwaysprovide a comprehensive assessment, because its indicators are of different nature and quantitative measurement. It is, therefore,possible to assess the potential ecological and economic damage using the method of "games against nature" according to the Hurwitz criterion. Results. In the case of the intense decrease in soil fertility as a result of military action, the assessment of ecological and economic damage is based on the indicator of ecological and economic consequences of pollution and decrease in soil fertility. Using the method of «games against nature» according to the Hurwitz criterion to establish the link between safe and destructive development of ecological and economic activities in Donbass; to assess the impact of hidden factors on the ecological and economic development of the region, and justify the choice ofoptimum development strategy of the economic entity or the territory and economic system as a whole,considering the impact of various environmental conditions on its behavior. Conclusion. The accumulation of ecological and economic problems is felt particularly acute. The lack of a unified mechanism for their detection hampers the quantification. The aggravated situation makes its amendments to the system of environmental and economic risks and threats, requiring a principally new mechanism of assessment. In this regard, the intermediate and final results of the proposed method of assessment of ecological and economic conditions can be used in future for developing the strategy of administrative decisions on managing the natural resources potential of Donbass.
URI: http://ea.donntu.org/handle/123456789/30599
Другие идентификаторы: УДК 355.4:504.5:338.14
Располагается в коллекциях:№2(2)'2016

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