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Название: Организация конкурсного отбора операторов городских автобусных перевозок
Другие названия: Organization of competitive selection process of urban bus transportation operators
Авторы: Селезнева, Н.А.
Полупанова, К.А.
Selezneva, N.A.
Polupanova, K.A.
Ключевые слова: конкурсный отбор
автобусные перевозки
оператор перевозок
алгоритм организации отбора
competitive selection
passenger transport
operators of passenger services
algorithm of organization of selection
Дата публикации: 2016
Издатель: ДонНТУ
Библиографическое описание: Селезнева, Н. А. Организация конкурсного отбора операторов городских автобусных перевозок / Н. А. Селезнева, К. А. Полупанова // Вестник ДонНТУ. - 2016. - №2(2). - С. 38–43. - Библиогр. в конце ст.
Аннотация: Рассмотрено проведение конкурсного отбора операторов городских автобусных перевозок. Предложен алгоритм организации конкурсного отбора, включающий в себя процедуру предварительного отбора и проведение самого конкурса. Внедрение предложенного алгоритма обеспечит объективность и прозрачность процедуры допуска операторов на рынок автотранспортных услуг.
Описание: Background. The quality of the urban public transport is at a catastrophically low level. The developed competitive market of the urban passenger transportation will make the carriers under the threat of losing their business continually improve the quality system and overall competitiveness of services aimed at increasing customer satisfaction. At the present time to improve the quality of passenger transportation on regular bus routes a system of multi-criteria selection of operators of passenger services is introduced. The main mechanism of the best proposals selection is a contest. Materials and/or methods. The procedure of multi-criteria selection of passenger services operators is regarded. The existing parameters of the competitive evaluation of the operators of urban passenger transport are analyzed. The algorithm of the organization of competitive selection, including the prequalification procedure and the organization of the competition, is proposed. Results. The parameters of selecting the winner of the contest for urban passenger transportation are defined. The algorithm of the organization of competitive selection is proposed, which includes procedures, prior to the competitive selection process (thepreliminary stage of selection, development of requirements for candidates) and the procedure for the competitive selection of the operator itself. Conclusion. To improve the efficiency of urban publictransport and the quality of service it is necessary while carrying out a competitive selection of operators of urban passenger transport to pay attention not only to the procedure of selection itself but also preliminary preparation. This will provide an opportunity to gather more information about the quality of passenger services and to identify bottlenecks in the organization of urban bus transportation.
URI: http://ea.donntu.org/handle/123456789/30598
Другие идентификаторы: УДК 656.072.5
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