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Название: Research of the chemical heterogeneity during crys-tallization for alzn5,5mg2,5cu1,5 alloy before and after homogenization
Авторы: Weiss, V.
Ключевые слова: image analysis
crystal segregation
dendritic homogenization annealing
crystal segregation
EDX analysis
Дата публикации: 2016
Издатель: DonNTU
Библиографическое описание: Weiss, V. Research of the chemical heterogeneity during crys-tallization for alzn5,5mg2,5cu1,5 alloy before and after homogenization / V. Weiss // International Journal of Innovative and Information Manufacturing Technologies. - 2016. - № 3. - P. 36-40.
Серия/номер: Number 3, (2016);7
Аннотация: Crystal segregation is taken as chemical heterogeneity under the micro-scale and it develops during the crystallization process. Alloy crystallization does not take place under a particular temperature, as it happens in the case of pure metals, but it runs under a certain temperature interval. When cooling the melt, various places start development among dendritic cells which differ in their chemical composition. Crystal segregation can be generally defined as chemical heterogeneity developing during the alloy crystallization process, and it can be either enriched or in contrast depleted with alloying elements and impurities, which are unevenly segregating over the entire dendritic surface. In the central part of the dendritic cells there is an alloy, which is depleted with alloying elements, while the edge areas of dendritic cells and interdendrite space present higher concentration of alloying elements. This concentration shows a hyperbolic development; when the central part of dendritic cells area has the lowest alloying elements concentration, while the edge part of a dendritic tree and the interdendrite space show the maximum concentration. The distance between two main axes of dendritic cells is affected by the temperature interval running between the liquid and solid phase of the chosen alloy, as well as by melt cooling rate and temperature gradient during the solidification phase. The shorter distance between the axes of dendritic cells appears under faster cooling, which allows very fast heat dissipation and creates very fine structure of the resulting alloy. The longer distance between the main axes of dendritic cells stimulates greater segregation appearing under slow melt cooling.
URI: http://ea.donntu.org/handle/123456789/30263
ISSN: 2311-6765
Располагается в коллекциях:Научные публикации сотрудников кафедры ТМ

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