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Название: Теория и разработка пневмотранспортных систем
Другие названия: Ways of improving pneumatic transport systems
Авторы: Чальцев, Михаил Николаевич
Chaltsev, M.N.
Ключевые слова: пневмотранспортная система
аэродинамический расчет
малогабаритный камерный насос
быстродействующий затвор
pneumatic transport system
aerodynamic calculation
small-sized chamber pump
high-speed penstock
Дата публикации: 2016
Издатель: ДонНТУ
Библиографическое описание: Чальцев, М. Н. Теория и разработка пневмотранспортных систем / М. Н. Чальцев // Вестник ДонНТУ. - 2016. - №1(1). - С. 40–43. - Библиогр. в конце ст.
Аннотация: Разработан уточненный метод аэродинамического расчета пневмотранспортных систем, основанный на классических законах аэро- и гидромеханики. Разработан и прошел промышленные испытания новый тип питателя пневмотранспортных систем – малогабаритный камерный питатель, обеспечивающий существенное сокращение материальных и энергетических затрат при его изготовлении и эксплуатации.
Описание: Background. Pneumatic tube transport of solid disperse materials is widely used in many industries that deal with production, processing and storage of various types of granular bulk. Pneumatic transport systems (PTS) are easy to construct, they are compact and protect the bulk from atmospheric effects and the environment from dust. However, the further development ofpneumatic transport usage is often constrained first of all due to the lack of scientifically substantiated and reliable engineering techniques of PTS aerodynamic calculation, secondly, due to the restricted volume and range of the manufactured PTS feeders including those which comply with modern requirements. Materials and/or methods. As a result of a 10-year research, the scientifically substantiated engineering technique of aerodynamic calculation of the settled flows in horizontal pipelines has been developed, which enables the design of industrial pneumatic transport systems aiming at the provision of reliability and efficiency of their operation. Results. PTS pumps have been improved. New high-speedpenstocks have been designed. The dependence of aerodynamic calculations of the settled flows in the horizontal pneumatic transport pipeline has been drawn. A new type of a PTS pump has been designed and industrially tested, which is a small-sized chamber pump (SCP) for powder-like substances which provides a considerable reduction of material costs and energy losses and improves the efficiency of pneumatictransport systems. The basic principles of its construction design have been worked out. Conclusion. The small-sized chamber pump which has been designed is introduced at Slavyansk Thermal Power Plant and at the construction industry enterprises. The annual economic effect of one SCP makes up 400000 hrn.
URI: http://ea.donntu.org/handle/123456789/30187
Другие идентификаторы: УДК 621.5
Располагается в коллекциях:№1(1)2016

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