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Название: Теория экономического порядка: современное значение при формировании эффективного государства
Другие названия: Theory of economic order: modern understanding while forming an efficient state
Авторы: Качан, Светлана Михайловна
Kachan, S.M.
Ключевые слова: теория экономического порядка
эффективное государство
государственное регулирование
theory of economic order
efficient state
public administration
Дата публикации: 2016
Издатель: ДонНТУ
Библиографическое описание: Качан, С. М. Теория экономического порядка: современное значение при формировании эффективного государства / С. М. Качан // Вестник ДонНТУ. - 2016. - №1(1). - С. 49–57. - Библиогр. в конце ст.
Аннотация: Рассматривается вопрос применимости теории экономического порядка при обосновании стратегии эффективного государственного регулирования социально-экономической системы. Приведены ключевые элементы иерархической модели современной экономики Донбасса как основы развития нового действенного экономического порядка.
Описание: Background. Negative economic phenomena in Donbass are taking much more serious dimensions as a result of the economic order change without the appropriate scientifically substantiated development strategy. Application of basic principles of the economic order theory allows defining possible land-marks of social-economic system development and considering the issue of a purpose of various economic entities while establishing an efficient state. Materials and/or methods.In order to analyze Donbass economic system one needs to compare it with the two main types of economic order: planned economy, including private and administrative economy, and market (exchange) economy. Results. The economic order, which is a complex of rules and standards, established and accepted by a civil society, has its own hierarchical structure, which is determined by the coordination peculiarities of the activity of economic system entities. Toachieve efficiency of the public administration the unity of form is not enough, there must be common game rules that ensure a planned character of the activity aiming to achieve a certain goal. Donbass ischaracterized by the pseudo market economy system functioning according to the laws that differ from the classical marketeconomy ones. Therefore, the formation of the efficient economy mechanismis required, which would allow achieving a balanced complex of social needs – the optimum economicorder. The scale and complexity of the social-economic system require systematic regulation of economic relations by means of which the state economic policy is implemented. It must reflect economic interests of the society and must be intended to solve the key economy problems. It can be constituted by the following points: а) efficient policy implies the mechanism influencing the order rather than results regulation of the order implementation; b) as opposed to the on-the-spotregulation (policy according to the circumstances), policy according to the rules should be established on the basis of strict standards and economic interests coordination; c) while revamping economic order, the possibilityof new social alternatives appearance should be provided, which requires appropriatestrategy of economic development based on the priorities of a civil society. Conclusion. Implementation of the points of the economic order theory is of primary importance for Donbass in rather complicated political, social-economic crisis circumstances and is able to generate new methodological standards, components of theoretical substantiation of the further development strategy towards the desired social-market economy and the efficient state.
URI: http://ea.donntu.org/handle/123456789/30185
Другие идентификаторы: УДК 330.101.8:334.012.33
Располагается в коллекциях:№1(1)2016

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