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Название: Effect of manufacture technology on properties of aluminium alloy wastes-based bearing composites for printing machines
Авторы: Roik, Tatiana
Киричок, Петр
Kyrychok, Peter
Vitsuk, Yuliya
Ройк, Татьяна
Гавриш, Анатолий Павлович
Gavrish, Anatoliy Pavlovich
Витсук, Юлия
Ключевые слова: printing knife-machines
metal grinding wastes
aluminium alloy AK12MMgN
physical mechanical properties
tribological characteristics
friction parts
Дата публикации: 2014
Издатель: DonNTU
Библиографическое описание: Roik, T. Effect of manufacture technology on properties of aluminium alloy wastes-based bearing composites for printing machines / T. Roik, P. Kyrychok, Yu. Vitsuk // International Journal of Innovative and Information Manufacturing Technologies. - 2014. - № 1. - P. 36-40
Серия/номер: Number 1, (2014);7
Аннотация: The paper studies the effect of the technological parameters for the production of new aluminium alloy wastes-based antifriction composite materials on the structurization and tribotechnical properties at friction (bearings perform at a sliding speed of 1.0 m/sec and a pressure up to 5.0 MPa in air). The study focuses on the features of structure formation in the composite with Al–alloy AK12MMgN wastes matrix, their role in friction behavior of new composite material under severe operating conditions. It was shown the principle possibility of successful use of the valuable industrial colour metals grinding wastes for manufacturing of effective friction parts for printing machines.
URI: http://ea.donntu.org/handle/123456789/29593
ISSN: 2311-6765
Располагается в коллекциях:Научные публикации сотрудников кафедры ТМ

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