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Другие названия: | An Institutional Note in the Innovative Development |
Авторы: | Шергелашвили, Е.В. Shergelashvili, H. |
Ключевые слова: | институциональная теория институциональная система инновационные возможности инновации институты институциональные ресурсы инновационная политика інституційна система інноваційні можливості інновації інститути інституційні ресурси інноваційна політика institutional system innovative features innovation institutes institutional resources innovation policy |
Дата публикации: | 2014 |
Издатель: | ДонНТУ |
Библиографическое описание: | Наукові праці Донецького національного технічного університету. Серія: Економічна. №2 / ДВНЗ "ДонНТУ" ; редкол.: В.В. Дементьєв (голов. ред.) та ін. - Донецьк : ДВНЗ "ДонНТУ", 2014. |
Аннотация: | Потребность в разработке стратегии
координации инновационной деятельности увеличивается, так как сейчас инновационная политика включает в себя все большее число элементов, в том числе политику в сфере образования, науки, технологий, конкуренции, а также отраслевую, корпоративную, социальную, судебную, оборонную, внешнюю и миграционную политику. Приоритетная цель в настоящее время – объединить эти сферы и сформировать гармоничную единую инновационную политику Рыночная форма экономики функционирует как наиболее эффективная в распределительном и производственном аспектах лишь тогда, когда её институциональная структура предопределяет её как форму единства индивидуального и совместного интересов, создаёт эффекты ограничений совершенного рынка, предопределяет институциональную и социальную встроенность субъектов. |
Описание: | Institutional systems have an important influence on the decision-making level of the subjects of the economy, not only authorize the totality of relations of social reproduction, but also influence the
development and implementation of innovative capacity of business entities to choose from innovative strategies, methods, forms and types of innovation, the ability of firms to develop key innovation opportunities, including opportunities and foreign institutions, their institutional and social embeddedness.
The article examines these issues on the basis of literature devoted to the institutional aspects of innovation.
In relation to Ukraine the article seeks to
update the empirical studies mentioned above on the institutional aspects of the innovative economic development at both micro and macro level. The key issue of importance for Ukraine is the fact how the
established national institutional framework determines the susceptibility of the national economy to innovate, and what innovations it produces: assignment based on technological innovation or innovation aimed at a rental assignment redistribution of
national income, the formation of other privileges and not constructive in terms of socio-economic development of societies phenomena.
Main results. The major role in the economic
development of Ukraine should be played by institutional reforms that promote innovation and investment activities within the country. Transition to an innovative model of socio-economic development is
associated primarily with the reorganization of the institutional framework of a market economy in the direction of a market as a form of unity of the individual and common interest. A basic neoclassical model of the market economy can serve as land-marks of such reorganization of the institutional system. The reorganized institutional system should create perfect market effects.
Institutional and historical environment in
which actors interact with each other in order to create and disseminate new knowledge and technology plays a major role in shaping the behavior of subjects in relation to the promotion or suppression
of contrary innovation processes. Thus, the most important task is to define and implement new tools for coordination in order to overcome institutional inertia, advance structured and effective mechanisms for interaction between complementary actors.
The need to develop strategies for coordinating innovation increases as innovation policy now includes a growing number of elements, including education policy, science and technology, competition, and industry, corporate, social, judicial, defense, foreign and migration policy. The priority objective now is to combine these areas and form a single harmonious innovation policy.
Market economy functions as a form of the
most efficient in the distribution and production aspects only when it determines its institutional structure as a form of unity of the individual and common
interests, creates effects of limitations to the perfect market, determines the subjects’ institutional and social embeddedness |
URI: | http://ea.donntu.org/handle/123456789/29543 |
Располагается в коллекциях: | Випуск 2
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