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Другие названия: Institutional Reforms of State Property in Terms of Reforming the Belarusian Economy
Авторы: Козик, Л.В.
Kozik, L.
Ключевые слова: институциональная экономика
государственная собственность
институциональные преобразования
институциональная среда
партнерство государства и частного бизнеса
state ownership
institutional reforms
institutional environment
partnership between the state and private business
Дата публикации: 2014
Издатель: ДонНТУ
Библиографическое описание: Наукові праці Донецького національного технічного університету. Серія: Економічна. №2 / ДВНЗ "ДонНТУ" ; редкол.: В.В. Дементьєв (голов. ред.) та ін. - Донецьк : ДВНЗ "ДонНТУ", 2014.
Аннотация: Определены основные направления институциональных преобразований государственной собственности на макро- и микроуровнях и проанализированы проблемные места формирующихся отношений собственности. На основании теоремы Коуза сформулированы теоретические принципы институциональных преобразований и предложен критерий оценки эффективности создаваемой институциональной среды, намечены пути создания адекватных условий для формирования и закрепления новых форм собственности, определены основные направления реформирования предприятий государственной формы собственности.
Описание: One of the main directions of reforming the economy and social life in Belarus is now the further transformation of state property for the purpose of its inclusion in a more organic system of socially oriented innovative market relations. For our country, the question of finding and applying new mecha-nisms to improve the property is especially important because of the large number of state-owned, often ineffective, property from which the state can hardly refuse. State-owned property has specific characteristics compared to other forms of property. On the one hand, the state provides public goods, limiting negative externalities performs operative governance, on the other, it is represented by state-owned enterprises, which are the same market ac-tors, as subjects of other forms of property. In our opinion, given such a specific nature, it is advisable to consider the processes of institutional transformation of state property on two levels: the macro- and micro levels, the direction of institutional change at each of these levels having their own characteristics. Theoretical basis and purpose of the institutional transformation of state ownership at the macro level can be three components resulting from the Coase Theorem: specification of property rights, minimizing transaction costs and property rights freedom of circulation. At the macro level institutional transformation of state property suggests development of formal and informal rules that govern and regulate the activities of economic entities, contribute to addressing the problem of interaction of state and non-state forms of ownership, the creation and consolidation of diverse forms and methods of interaction of citizens, create equal business conditions, support the transformation of their citizens into owners in legal and economic terms, guarantee the protection of their interests and rights. Thus, one of the priorities of reform should be the development of public property. In general, this is achieved by democratization of political life, the formation of an effective system of dynamic representation of the interests of various social strata and groups. Creation of a mixed economic system promotes global change in the forms and methods of state influence on the economy. It is necessary to reduce the direct control of social and economic processes, and include more deliberate institutional regulation. With increasing government intervention in the economy by assigning an increasing number of state owner-ship functions in white Russian economy is likely to remain the only form of ownership - state monopolies on the conditions and means of production and labor. For the formation of diversity of ownership, which take into account features of subjects and production systems it is necessary to create certain conditions and prerequisites. These primarily include the development of markets, the competitive environment, improving legislative and enforcement systems, the judicial system. The State should encourage the establishment of any market structures. At the micro level the principal directions of institutional change are taking the property out of the government control and its privatization. Moreover, the essence of privatization is not a one-time transfer of ownership of state-owned assets to the private person, but establishment of mechanisms for property rights turnover, which will allow assigning these rights to the most efficient owner – it is necessary to form an effective institutional environment (in particular, stock markets, consulting and auditing firms etc.). The value of transaction costs, their minimization can be used as a criterion for the market performance of property rights. Also as important areas of state property transformation there should considered the commercialization of public enterprises and the use of various forms of public-private partnership (in particular, concessions).
URI: http://ea.donntu.org/handle/123456789/29539
Располагается в коллекциях:Випуск 2

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