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Другие названия: The Role of the Behavioral Adaptation Factors in the Regulation of Innovation Initiative via the Contract System in Russia
Авторы: Мельников, В.В.
Melnikov, V.V.
Ключевые слова: инновации
государственные закупки
контрактная система
state purchase
contract system
Дата публикации: 2014
Издатель: ДонНТУ
Библиографическое описание: Наукові праці Донецького національного технічного університету. Серія: Економічна. №2 / ДВНЗ "ДонНТУ" ; редкол.: В.В. Дементьєв (голов. ред.) та ін. - Донецьк : ДВНЗ "ДонНТУ", 2014.
Аннотация: В связи с тем, что инновации являются значимым фактором обеспечения долгосрочной конкурентоспособности национальных экономик, вступивший в силу с 2014 г. закон о контрактной системе в РФ также предусматривает введение механизмов стимулирования спроса на инновационную продукцию. Показано, что успешность реформирования этой области хозяйствования, основана на понимании стимулов и мотивации участвующих индивидов. Приводятся основные барьеры, которые напрямую связаны с успешностью интегрирования формальных правил в закупочную практику, в частности, проблемы информационной неполноты и асимметрии, технологические особенности бюджетной системы, а также оппортунистическое поведение участников соглашений. Отмечается устойчивое повышение роли государства в инновационной деятельности, как объективный процесс с долгосрочными перспективами.
Описание: Due to the fact that innovations are the significant factor for the promotion of longstanding competitiveness of national economies, the primary tasks to perform for the government are the creation of legislative securities and the institutions of development to escalate business. The law on the contract system in the Russian Federation that came into legal force in 2014 ensures the introduction of the mechanisms stimulating demand for innovative products. The modeling of formal regulations in the sphere of procurement should foresee the high probability of opportunism strategy choice on the part of prospective suppliers on the market of state purchase and customers. The article shows that the successful development in this sector of economic management and in innovation sphere is based on the understanding of motivation of the participants; it also offers the vision of the problem of the national purchasing system and the prospects of innovation initiative via the influence of adaptation behavioral strategies of market agents. Main barriers are explained to be directly connected with the formal rules successful integration into purchasing practice, the problems of information deficit and asymmetry, technological specifics of budget system, opportunistic behavior of the members of agreement. Economic opportunism creates the problem of behavioral confusion, unfavorable selection of the agents of the trade and market strategies, the risk of irresponsible performance of duties and as a result blocks effective economic management. The low level of mutual trust of the parties and negative expectations, based on the probability of opposite party cruel actions, makes opportunism the most effective behavior, setting the economic trap. It is shown that discouraging influence on the innovative activity in Russia is explained by the absence of motivation schemes for the agents of the innovation process – the representatives of science or business and state. Despite the popularity of the term “innovative” in the majority of the reports, in reality innovation development of our country is not necessary or direct measure. Destructive informal norms of behavior, information asymmetry and unspecified contracts lead to significant growth of transactional disadvantages and low results in purchasing activity. Responsibility of the customer and the supplier is secured by the inevitability of punishment, the growth of the level of trust in the society, the decrease of opportunistic behavior, by the growth of the term of the contract and by the positive impulses to meet the requirements of the agreement. In particular the interests of both parties let the stimulating financial measures meet. Benefits are extended to the customer in case of the successful economizing and equally to the representative of competing firms in case of the gain relating to average market prices or the prices for similar contracts According to the law № 44-ФЗ there are certain measures taken to lower the consequences of negative behavioral motivation. The number of extra measures include the formalization of the stages of purchase planning, execution of a contract, reception of the goods on the execution of the contract and expert examination. It is also important to mention two aspects in the way of innovation activity escalation via contract system. First, the need to add a particular punishment measure into the Code on administrative wrongdoings from the point of view of negative impulses formation that is quite problematic without the definition of innovation products in terms of federal law. Second, the role of negative impulses with the absence of the positive ones is overestimated by the contract system low. The sustainable growth of state role in innovation activity is also worth mentioning being the fact-based process with longstanding prospects.
URI: http://ea.donntu.org/handle/123456789/29518
Располагается в коллекциях:Випуск 2

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