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Другие названия: Economic Rationality in V.Golubnichiy`s Institutional Concept (Based on V. Golubnichiy`s Archive)
Авторы: Клишова, Е.В.
Колесник, И.В.
Klishova, E.V.
Kolesnik, I.V.
Ключевые слова: Голубничий
институциональная концепция
экономическая рациональность
інституційна концепція
економічна раціональність
institutional conception
economic rationality
Дата публикации: 2014
Издатель: ДонНТУ
Библиографическое описание: Наукові праці Донецького національного технічного університету. Серія: Економічна. №2 / ДВНЗ "ДонНТУ" ; редкол.: В.В. Дементьєв (голов. ред.) та ін. - Донецьк : ДВНЗ "ДонНТУ", 2014.
Аннотация: Статья написана по итогам изучения неопубликованных работ из архива украинского ученого В. Голубничего. Обоснован институциональный характер методологии Голубничего и созданной им концепции, содержание экономической рациональности в его концепции, использование марксистской методологии при исследовании советской экономики. Показано значение теории Голубничего для изучения современной украинской экономики.
Описание: The article is based on the study of the Ukrainian scientist Vsevolod Golubnichiy`s archives. His archive is at the University of Alberta (Edmonton, Canada) and includes diaries and dozens of Golubnichiy`s manuscripts, many of which have not been published. Both Golubnichiy`s published work and a number of unknown works were used when writing the article. A special place in Golubnichiy`s heritage belongs to "Diaries", which show the scientist`s creative laboratory, philosophical basis of his theory, his political and scientific position. The "Diary" of 1957-1961 was used for the article. Range of Golubnichiy`s scientific interests was extremely broad. His works are devoted to both theoretical problems of philosophy and methodology of economic research, Marxism, history of economics and economic thought, comparative statistics, comparative institutionalism and the analysis of socio-economic development of the USSR and Eastern European countries, China, in particular, comparative study of economic systems of different countries, first of all, the USSR and the United States, problems of regional economy, etc. However, Golubnichiy was most interested in Ukraine whose position is studied in most of his manuscripts and published works. He had the inherent sense of patriotism intensified by his long staying abroad. Golubnichiy examines not only the evolution of economy of Ukraine as a member of the USSR, but also the specific features national-territorial complex of Ukraine when it was the member of different states. His works investigate the features of economic and political development of Ukraine, history of Ukrainian economy and economic thought, culture, national issues, especially law and school education, students status, development of Ukrainian art, etc. This article contains the rationale of Golubnichiy`s institutional methodology and his conception. Particular emphasis is made on the content of economic rationality and statement of the problem of economic power in Golubnichiy`s conception. The unpublished "Philosophical sketches" and other works cited in the article give an excellent example of a psychological analysis of the socio-economic processes, shows the importance and mechanisms of social rationality in the USSR Golubnichiy is deservedly considered the biggest expert on Marxist theory in the West. In unpublished manuscripts and the "Diaries" he gives his understanding of Marxist methodology, which is integrated into Golubnichiy`s institutionalism. The scientist believes that the purpose of economic system is determined by its immanent basic economic law, which he interprets as the law of capital accumulation for the conditions of the Soviet system. As the subject of economic and political power the state (the party apparatus and bureaucracy) not only uses state monopolistic way to accumulate additional capital, but forms for this purpose the system of non-economic compulsion (labor camps, forced government loans, collectivization, etc.). The system of political and ideological relations in the USSR is subject and regulated by this law. The article shows the importance of Golubnichiy`s theory for the study of modern Ukrainian economy. Socio-economic system of Ukraine is operating in a constant struggle of financially corrupt oligarchic clans, and the basic law of economic development remains the law of capital accumulation, which then is exported. As a result, the enrichment of oligarchs is accompanied by a decrease in living standards and aging of production assets. The study of economics and economic power relations in modern Ukraine using Golubnichiy`s methodology is a topical issue.
URI: http://ea.donntu.org/handle/123456789/29517
Располагается в коллекциях:Випуск 2

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