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Другие названия: Public-Private Partnerships as a Factor of Choosing the Long-Term Development Strategy of Small Innovative Entrepreneurship
Авторы: Гоосен, Е.В.
Никитенко, С.М.
Ковригина, С.В.
Goosen, E.V.
Nikitenko, S.M.
Kovrigina, S.V.
Ключевые слова: институциональная экономика
малые инновационные предприятия
стратегия развития
государственно-частное партнерство
small innovative enterprises
research institutes
development strategies
public-private partnership
Дата публикации: 2014
Издатель: ДонНТУ
Библиографическое описание: Наукові праці Донецького національного технічного університету. Серія: Економічна. №2 / ДВНЗ "ДонНТУ" ; редкол.: В.В. Дементьєв (голов. ред.) та ін. - Донецьк : ДВНЗ "ДонНТУ", 2014.
Аннотация: Статья посвящена малым инновационным предприятиям (МИП), создаваемым с участием высших учебных заведений и научно-исследовательских организаций. Авторы стремятся выявить наиболее перспективные стратегии развития МИП, которые позволили бы им стать драйверами инновационного развития России. Особое внимание уделяется роли государственно-частного партнерства в становлении и выборе стратегий развития МИП. В статье проанализирован опыт Кемеровской области в развитии МИП с использованием инструментов ГЧП. Статья подготовлена при поддержке РГНФ, Грант 13-12-42009 «Квази-ГЧП проекты как фактор становления и развития института государственно-частного партнерства в России».
Описание: The report focuses on the analysis of the public-private partnership role in the formation of long-term development strategy of small innovative businesses (SIB), created with the participation of universities and research organizations. The report identifies the most common forms of cooperation between research organizations and business innovation: the creation of scientific organizations specialized in small innovative enterprises, joint innovative enterprises (including public corporations), cluster initiatives, projects to create innovative infrastructure and development institutions, infrastructure projects (business incubators, technology parks, technology platforms, special economic zones, venture capital firms, investment banks, etc.), national target programs (in the form of government contracts). Based on the database analysis of business entities at Research Center for statistics and science the authors were able to identify the specific features of the SIB. The report presents data on the distribution of small innovative businesses, established with the participation of universities and research institutes, in Federal District of Russia in accordance with the Federal Law No 217 at the beginning of 2014. The characteristic is given to a statistically average small innovative enterprise. The authors succeeded in defining the 7 most typical SIB development strategies, analysis of the extent and prevalence of long-term development options possible to identify the most promising SIB development strategy, which would allow them to become drivers of innovative development of Russia. Particular attention is paid to the role of public-private partnership in the development of strategies for developing and selecting SIB. The authors give examples of the use of PPPs in the U.S. and Germany in the field of innovation and come to the conclusion that public-private partnerships in the form of various technology transfer centers, business incubators, PKI, joint laboratories, etc. are a very important factor in the successful development of SIB created by universities and research institutes. The report specifically analyzes the phenomenon of specialized organizations created by the PPP and acting as an intermediary between research institutes and universities to develop innovation and business interested in products SIB. The report identifies the problems and barriers to the active development of such organizations in Russia, among them: not clearly worked by legislation; unpreparedness of authorities and local business, ignorance tools and PPPs; lack of research and experience, best practice implementation of PPP projects and distribution. The report presents the experience of the Kemerovo region in the development of SIB using PPP instruments. Is an example of the organization intermediary - LLC "Innovative Research and Produc-tion Center "INNOTEK” (LLC “INPTS "INNOTEK") in the creation and development of SIB in innovation. The report makes the conclusion about the need for PPPs for the successful development of SIB in Russia. The report was prepared with the support of RHF Grant 13-12-42009 "Quasi-PPP projects as a factor in the formation and development of the institution of public-private partnership in Russia."
URI: http://ea.donntu.org/handle/123456789/29514
Располагается в коллекциях:Випуск 2

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