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Другие названия: Experimental and Sociological Methods of Measuring Trust
Авторы: Меркулова, Т.В.
Merkulova, T.V.
Ключевые слова: институциональная теория
социологический опрос
PG эксперимент
TG эксперимент
лабораторний експеримент
соціологічне опитування
PG експеримент
TG експеримент
sociological survey
PG experiment
TG experiment
Дата публикации: 2014
Издатель: ДонНТУ
Библиографическое описание: Наукові праці Донецького національного технічного університету. Серія: Економічна. №1 (11) / ДВНЗ "ДонНТУ" ; редкол.: В.В. Дементьєв (голов. ред.) та ін. - Донецьк : ДВНЗ "ДонНТУ", 2014.
Аннотация: Работа посвящена измерительным аспектам проблематики доверия. Проведен сравнительный анализ экспериментальных и социологических методов измерения доверия. Рассмотрены базовые постановки лабораторных экспериментов по проверке гипотезы доверия. Отмечены недостатки социологических методов на примере, в частности, исследований в рамках GSS, ESS. Для оценки уровня доверия в Украине использованы результаты PG экспериментов, проведенных в Украине, проведено их сравнение с результатами опросов. Отмечен значительный разрыв в оценках межличностного и институционального доверия в Украине.
Описание: The main issues that determine the methodological basis of any research are questions about definitions and measurement: what is trust and how to measure it? Our task was to compare the experimental and sociological methods of measuring trust, review and compare the results of laboratory experiments and sociological research on the measurement of the level of trust. Currently there are two methods of trust measurement used in the world - experimental (with a laboratory or field experiment) and sociological (by survey or observation). The experimental method is based on a game approach to test the hypothesis of trust under which the trust is a significant behavioral factor. The basic design of laboratory experiment to test the hypothesis of trust is a play on the trust (Trust Game, TG). Numerous laboratory experiments in the world have shown that the outcome of the game significantly deviates from the Nash equilibrium : from 10 to 25% of the participants trust unfamiliar partners. The most extensive sociological surveys of trust level, such as the General Social Survey (GSS), World Values Survey (WVS), European Social Survey (ESS) measure the level of interpersonal trust in accordance with the respondent's answer to the question: "Do you think that most people can be trusted or caution is necessary in dealing with people?" As a tool form easuring the level of trust, the issue appears to be incorrect on two main points. First, it does not distinguish between trust and care, which are not mutually exclusive characteristics of behavior. Second, the problem of interpretation arises in interpreting the subject with respect to which the trust is measured. Under the "most people" a respondent can understand only strangers or mixed pool in which some part comprises more or less familiar people (known others). Individual respondent’s interpretation of the "majority" effects its response. Comparison of experimental and sociological methods inevitably includes a discussion of their comparative performance in terms of obtaining valid, robust estimations. In this regard, the main criticisms of the method, based on the surveys, can be reduced to a question-indicator being incorrect and the absence of strict definition of "trust." Criticism of the experimental method is associated m ainly with the composition of participants in experim ents, i.e. representativeness of the sample: as a rule, These are students, often those majoring in economics. Overseas studies show that the experimental results in the greatest measure correlate with sociological assessments of interpersonal trust, and usually do not correlate with ratings of its other kinds. Measuring trust in Ukraine comes from surveys, experimental methods are not used. This situation is one of the manifestations of the fact that the experimental economics is not received until the Ukrainian scientific domain is developed. However, we carried out in 2010-2013 PG experiments that enable us to make certain estimates regarding interpersonal trust. In our experiments it was found that 1) almost 100% of participants gave non -zero contribution, and 2) the average contribution made 50% yield of the participants, which is a very stable value. This estim ate corresponds to the assessm ent of trust in a survey as part of ESS in Ukraine in 2012, as well as surveys conducted by the Institute of Sociology of NASU (2002-2010). In our opinion, the experimental and sociological data give reason to say that in Ukraine there is a com bination of a high level of interpersonal trust and low institutional one. The high level of interpersonal trust in the networked world today with modern means of communication can serve as a pre-requisite for self-organization, which begins to exist independently from the government, forming a parallel structure to it, self-ordering and displacing institutions illegitimate in terms of public trust, or subjecting them. Potential interpersonal trust in Ukraine can become a real factor for positive change, the system reduces the cost of socio-economic transformation, and thus contributing to its implementation and effectiveness.
URI: http://ea.donntu.org/handle/123456789/29348
Располагается в коллекциях:Випуск 1 (11)

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