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Другие названия: The Role of Civil Society in Institutional Transformation of Ukrainian Economy
Авторы: Пилипенко, А.Н.
Пилипенко, Ю.И.
Pylypenko, A.N.
Pylypenko, Yu.I.
Ключевые слова: институциональная теория
гражданская культура
гражданское общество
индикаторы гражданского общества
институциональное доверие
дееспособность гражданского общества
громадянська культура
громадянське суспільство
дієздатність громадянського суспільства
індикатори громадянського суспільства
інституціональна довіра
civil society
civil culture
civil society capacity
indicators of civil society
institutional trust
Дата публикации: 2014
Издатель: ДонНТУ
Библиографическое описание: Наукові праці Донецького національного технічного університету. Серія: Економічна. №1 (11) / ДВНЗ "ДонНТУ" ; редкол.: В.В. Дементьєв (голов. ред.) та ін. - Донецьк : ДВНЗ "ДонНТУ", 2014.
Аннотация: На основе модели взаимодействия человека с различными подсистемами общества выделены зоны, в которых формируются взаимосвязи между гражданским обществом и экономикой. Показана функциональная роль гражданского общества как механизма распространения социально-экономических изменений в обществе через установление связи отдельных индивидов с политическим процессом, а также как средства формирования и развития социального капитала. Проанализированы условия дееспособности гражданского общества в Украине и выявлены проблемы его влияния на процессы институциональной трансформации. Определены направления усиления роли гражданского общества в украинском модернизационном процессе.
Описание: On the basis of theoretical model of human and various social subsystems interaction the sectors in which the conditions for civil society organization are being formed, are singled out, namely the sphere of resource allocation and reallocation, maintenance of order and stability in the society, satisfaction of social equirements, as well as the need of respect and self-expression. It is established that civil society is transparently implemented into economic relations: firstly, as the form of interaction between political and economic systems; secondly, as the mechanism of social asset forming and liberal values consolidation; thirdly, as the force, which resists usurpation of economic and political authority by the groups of particular interest; and finally, as the mechanism of personal qualities discovery and the development of leadership, production and distribution of social-economic changes of the society. In the course of institutional conditions of civil society capacity in Ukraine analysis and its actual ability to influence the modernization of the society, it is established that in Ukrainian society there are only two completely formed conditions, which are connected with civil identification and development of professional and other noncommercial organizations. According to such conditions as the achieving certain level of civil culture, that becomes apparent in social values domination of law obedience and respect; conscious implementation of the democratic ideals, equality and liberty; completely formed middle layer of the society, which constitutes a majority in social structure of the society; functioning of the citizens and their organizations’ mechanism influencing bodies of power and governance their insufficient level of development are elicited. It can be accounted for by, firstly, economic part, which is connected with the disability of a social majority to actualize their economic interests and sequentially defend them because of a low standard of living; secondly, the lack of law obedience and respect among the social majority, the domination of liberal values in the mind of the citi-zens; thirdly, insufficient level of basic economic and political knowledge, low legal culture and as the result legal nihilism; and finally, incomplete formation of effective method of citizens and their organizations influence bodies of governmental authority. Particularly daunting for the development of civil society appear the problems, which are connected with very low rate of trust to governmental institutions, as well as insufficient level of knowledge among the majority of civil movements participants as for the essence of a number of democratic values and those mechanisms, which are connected with forming liberal model of development. It decreases significantly its potential as the subject able to initiate the creation of new, more effective institutions.The absence of necessary institutional conditions of civil society capacity in Ukraine proves its advantage in the form of power, which opposes to the authority and not seeing the partner in it. It is demonstrated, that the prospects of Ukrainian society to achieve the model of capable civil society in many ways are determined by civil culture and the quality of civil asset.
URI: http://ea.donntu.org/handle/123456789/29329
Располагается в коллекциях:Випуск 1 (11)

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