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Другие названия: The Model of Institutional Legitimacy Regimes as a Tool for Analyzing Economic and Social Systems
Авторы: Вахтина, М.А.
Vakhtina, M.A.
Ключевые слова: институциональная теория
социальная справедливость
социальные институты
институциональные режимы
social equity
social institutions
institutional regimes
Дата публикации: 2014
Издатель: ДонНТУ
Библиографическое описание: Наукові праці Донецького національного технічного університету. Серія: Економічна. №1 (11) / ДВНЗ "ДонНТУ" ; редкол.: В.В. Дементьєв (голов. ред.) та ін. - Донецьк : ДВНЗ "ДонНТУ", 2014.
Аннотация: Дается авторская трактовка понятия легитимности институтов, положенная в основу модели анализа и прогнозирования социально-экономических систем – матрицы легитимности. Модель дополняет методологический и теоретический аппарат институциональной экономической теории и нацелена на поддержание соответствия между легальностью и принципам и социальной справедливости.
Описание: Original author’s conception of social institutions legitimacy, which combines legality and correspondence of institutions to the principles of social equity, is grounded. Depending on the combination of legality, expressed in formal rate fixing, on the one hand, and justice, which is manifested in collective recognition, on the other hand, the positive model of institutional regimes of legitimacy, which allows conducting a benchmarking assessment of economic and social systems functioning, is introduced. In the literature on institutional economics this area of study remains under investigated, as factors of collective recognition of institutions, determined by correspondence to the principles of social equity, fall outside the field of economists’ vision. In such a case, urgency of an issue concerning institutional legitimacy with aggravation of socio-economic transformations and contradictions, connected with market transformations economic systems in transition, is increasing. Jurists, sociologists, politologists write about legitimacy, and in such a case, an analytical constituent, especially in the economic literature, takes a back seat. In the frame of institutional economics wider opportunities for researc hing this topical issue open. In the paper it is stated that institutional legitimacy is provided with legality, expressed in formal rate fixing, and institutional correspondence to the principles of social equity, that is expressed in collective recognition. The paper introduces the a uthor’s model of social institutions legitimacy de pending on the combination of legality and collective recognit ion. Two-factor matrix of legitimacy has four institutional regimes – a legitimacy regime, when institutions are established by law (legal) and respond to the principles of social equity; a complete illegitimacy regime, which is characterized by an opposite situation; and two regimes of partial illegitimacy. The latter ones vary by different combination of legality and justice: in one case formal rights do not get collective recognition, in another – collective recognition is not supported by the formal rights. With the help of a legitimacy matrix a comparative analysis of the profile of production and coordination forms of business function, trust level and the process of social capital accumulation, operating efficiency of state and non - state institutions in the conditions of various legitimacy regimes is conducted. The institutional regime of modern Russian economy is defined as a transitional one with partial illegitimacy, when institutional norms does not meet the principles of social equity and do not obtain support of the majority. The author underlines the significance of a constant balance between legality and the principles of social equity, providing congruence of formal and informal norms, that contributes toultroneous fulfillment of laws by the majority, and, in the end, prevents social conflicts, co ntributes to stable and effective long-term development of economic systems in transition. The approach to the research of social and economic systems shows that the legitimacy matrix, which differs by a combination of legality and justice, allows conducting a benchmarking assessment and predicting a situation, if some of abovementioned parameters are not fulfilled.
URI: http://ea.donntu.org/handle/123456789/29322
Располагается в коллекциях:Випуск 1 (11)

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