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Другие названия: | Aggregate Demand as Factor and Result of Economic Growth |
Авторы: | Задоя, А.А. Zadoia, A.A. |
Ключевые слова: | институциональная теория совокупный спрос потребительские расходы валовые накопления чистый экспорт сукупний попит споживацькі витрати валові нагромадження чистий експорт aggregate demand consumer spending gross savings net exports |
Дата публикации: | 2014 |
Издатель: | ДонНТУ |
Библиографическое описание: | Наукові праці Донецького національного технічного університету. Серія: Економічна. №1 (11) / ДВНЗ "ДонНТУ" ; редкол.: В.В. Дементьєв (голов. ред.) та ін. - Донецьк : ДВНЗ "ДонНТУ", 2014. |
Аннотация: | Статья посвящена анализу сути совокупного спроса и факторов, определяющих его динамику. Доказано, что решить проблему ускорения экономического развития и преодоления экономического отставания Украины сегодня нельзя ни путем стимулирования совокупного спроса, ни через применяемую систему поддержки отечественного производителя. В экономике Украины отсутствует механизм адекватной реакции производителей на изменяющийся спрос. Динамика валовых накоплений показывает, что экономика Украины не вступила в фазу циклического оживления, а продолжает находиться в состоянии депрессии. Нужны глубокие институциональные изменения, ожидать быструю отдачу от которых будет заблуждением. |
Описание: | Dynamics of aggregate demand largely determines the dynamics of the entire economy, as its satisfaction creates extra motivation for productive activities. According to the degree of satisfaction of
aggregate demand can be judged on the results of the economy as a whole. However, the general theoretical view on the relationship of aggregate demand
and aggregate supply are not always confirmed in the Ukrainian economy, which required further analysis of the dynamics of individual components of aggregate demand.
Consumer expenditure survey showed an incomplete formation process of stable consumption patterns in Ukraine. While in the developed countries the difference in the proportion of consumption in total income at different phases of the economic cycle is less than 1 percentage point, in Ukraine the amplitude is 5 times more. Significant variations in the proportion of dividing consumption expenditure and savings are the cause of instability in the economic development of the country.
Unsatisfactory dynamics of gross savings can
be regarded as one of the biggest threats to the economy of Ukraine . Neither in scope nor in trends of change, nor the nature of the reaction to the crisis gross savings do not show the creation of prerequisites for sustainable economic development. These figures show more conservation and even Ukraine’s getting behind on world economic trends. Clearly, to assess the impact of changes in trends in public spending on the dynamics of aggregate demand is not possible. On the one hand , the relative decline in consumer spending of the public sector management (as a direct component of aggregate demand) has a negative impact on the potential volume of demand. On the other hand, increasing the share of transfer payments can promote the growth of consumer expenditures. However, the following facts are true:
1. Negative net exports "eat" a significant
portion of the increase in consumer spending, slowing the overall growth rate of GDP.
2. Ukrainian economy has no mechanisms for
the transfer of momentum from rising consumer
spending to produce goods and services. Traditionally, the economic system reacts by increasing imports, which confirms the imperfect institutional structure of the economy.
3. Excess consumption of currency to purchase goods abroad over its export receipts entails a lot of problems associated with the currency market (difficulty in maintaining the stability of the national currency, the reduction of official foreign reserves, increased external borrowing, etc.). All this does not contribute to the achievement of sustainable economic growth and overcoming the economic back-wardness of the country.
Today it is impossible to solve the problem of accelerating the economic development and get over the economic weakness of Ukraine either by stimulating aggregate demand (in fact, the actual internal aggregate demand exceeds aggregate supply), or through a system of support for domestic producers, which actually preserves the backlog. Deep institutional changes which will take a long time to deliver results are needed. |
URI: | http://ea.donntu.org/handle/123456789/29321 |
Располагается в коллекциях: | Випуск 1 (11)
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