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Другие названия: Relationship of Trust and Institutional Human Capital
Авторы: Архиереев, С.И.
Arkhiereev, S.I.
Ключевые слова: институциональная теория
человеческий капитал
інституціональна теорія
людський капітал
human capital
асоциальный капитал
асоціальний капітал
asocial capital
Дата публикации: 2014
Издатель: ДонНТУ
Библиографическое описание: Наукові праці Донецького національного технічного університету. Серія: Економічна. №1 (11) / ДВНЗ "ДонНТУ" ; редкол.: В.В. Дементьєв (голов. ред.) та ін. - Донецьк : ДВНЗ "ДонНТУ", 2014.
Аннотация: Проанализированы виды институционального человеческого капитала: социальный и асоциальный. Раскрыто взаимодействие доверия с видами институционального человеческого капитала. Сделан вывод, что доверие в большей степени связано с отсутствием асоциального капитала, чем с наличием социального капитала. Предложен способ расчета коэффициентов доверия, наличия социального и асоциального капитала, и определена их корреляция. На примере посттрансформационных экономик показано что доверие, находясь в зависимости от институционального человеческого капитала, в тоже время сохраняет значительную автономность.
Описание: Human capital is differentiated by the nature of its bearer, who is a man and consists of standards, knowledge, skills, health, etc. and more deeply can be classified by the nature of these constituent elements. For example, knowledge is closely linked with people and constitutes the intellectual human capital; health is related to the physiological capital, etc. If from a variety of constituent elements of human capital we single out institutions - norms of behavior, customs, traditions consistently associated with a man as their carrier, it will be the definition of institutional human capital including the institutional elements of human capital. Further classification can be made by the capital operation results. Results of the capital operation are determined, on the one hand, by the objectives of its functioning, and on the other, by the means used to achieve them. Accordingly, the concept of institutional human capital by the results of its functioning can also be viewed from the two sides. If normal, socio-neutral capital involves separate objectives focused on its owner`s interests, the social capital will have significant differences. Social human capital requires willingness to voluntarily carry out activity whose useful effect is assigned to other entities, i.e. it aims at addressing their needs; in other words, willingness to make concessions of usefu l effect to other subjects (or in less economized definition, willingness to help others, rather than focusing only on their separate interests) . The use of public funds to achieve the goals makes it necessary to intro duce the category of anti-social capital, which forms a dichotomy with the categories of social capital in the above sense and describes a phenomenon which can not be described differently. The behavior which runs counter to the norms (and possibly, illegal) aimed at extracting useful effect from other subjects` activity is assumed as a basis of the definition of anti-social capital as opposed to social capital. Categories of social and antisocial capital describe the capital at whose functioning positive primary effects on other subjects are observed in the first case and negative effects in the second. To determine the type of capital with which trust has more significant relationship two special research methods are applied. First, the used database enabled to determ ine whether the responses correspond to different questions. Analysis of this connection led to the conclusion that trust is more connected with the lack of anti-social capital than the availability of social capital. Comparison of surveys in Europe and Ukraine revealed one more regularity: in Ukraine the relationship of trust both with the lack of antisocial capital and availability of social capital is much more pronounced. Perhaps this indicates a greater importance of these phenomena for post-transformational economies. Secondly, a method of calculating the coefficients of confidence, availability of social and anti-social capital is offered. Definition of proposed coefficients correlation calculated for 35 countries in Europe according to the latest available statistics, confirms the revealed regularities. Correlation of trust coefficient with the social capital coefficient is 0.906, with a coefficient of anti-social capital - 0,937 (with a negative mark), which means that by module the relationship of trust with antisocial capital is really stronger. The example of post-transformational economies of Ukraine, Russia and Slovakia shows that trust, being dependent on the institutional hum an capital, at the same time retains considerable autonomy. Investigation of other factors affecting its value is an im portant task for the further research of this phenomenon, which is important for the society wellbeing.
URI: http://ea.donntu.org/handle/123456789/29316
Располагается в коллекциях:Випуск 1 (11)

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