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Другие названия: Economic Policy of Ukraine: Institutional and Structural Components
Авторы: Гриценко, А.А.
Grytsenko, A.A.
Ключевые слова: экономическая политика
структурная политика
институциональные преобразования
экономическая деструкция
економічна політика
структурна політика
інституційні перетворення
економічна деструкція
economic policy
structural policy
institutional transformation
economic destruction
Дата публикации: 2014
Издатель: ДонНТУ
Библиографическое описание: Наукові праці Донецького національного технічного університету. Серія: Економічна. №1 (11) / ДВНЗ "ДонНТУ" ; редкол.: В.В. Дементьєв (голов. ред.) та ін. - Донецьк : ДВНЗ "ДонНТУ", 2014.
Аннотация: Показано, что институциональная и структурная составляющие экономической политики, являясь относительно самостоятельными, в то же время тесно связаны и переплетены между собой. В различных исторических и социально-экономических условиях они могут выполнять разную роль. В развитых и структурно сбалансированных экономиках ведущая роль принадлежит институциональным подходам, обеспечивающим раскрытие потенциала рыночных механизмов. В структурно деформированных экономиках такие же подходы могут вести к углублению структурных диспропорций. Раскрыто содержание и особенности структурного и институционального подходов в экономической политике Украины.
Описание: It is shown that the institutional and structural components of the economic policy are relatively independent, while closely related and intertwined. In various historical and socio-economic conditions they can perform different roles. In developed and structurally balanced economies the leading role belongs to the institutional approaches, revealing the potential of market mechanisms. In structurally deformed economies the same approaches can lead to a deepening of structural imbalances. The paper reveals the content of Western experts’ approaches to structural reforms in Ukraine, which are based on the methodology and relevant liberal ideology and aimed at creating institutional conditions for realizing the potential of market forces and human freedom. Such recommendations must be implemented. However, they do not take into account specific economic situation in Ukraine, caused by combination of inversion type of market transformation with globalization, resulting in Ukraine’s adaptation to specific segments of the world market as a raw materials appendage, on the basis of market laws. Its structure in its main points is determined not by the internal needs of economic development but by external demand of raw materials. This is the basic destruction of the Ukrainian economy. This basic destruction is manifested in a number of derivatives of destruction and imbalances: economic growth based on market mechanisms means for Ukraine deterioration of the structure of the economy (increase in the share of primary industries) and the preparation of a deeper crisis; Ukraine experiences fever more than other countries from the decline in external demand, the country's GDP varies depending on the world prices for metals and not in response to the government's economic policy, income growth does not lead to the development of the internal market and production, and to an increase in imports, the trade balance deterioration, increasing the burden on the State budget and accumulating debts, preferential treatment of population provide more benefits to wealthier citizens than poor, etc. Another consequence of the inversion market transformation is the formation of double-faced institutional structure of society and business entities aimed not at the development of production through the application of innovation and competition, but at the rapid enrichment through various schemes. Two-faced institutional structure is that for formally correct norms hide the meaning opposite to them. The shadow economy is covered by legal forms. Kick-backs, business hostile takeover, made by formally correct legal procedure, the use of political power for the growth of their own business and, conversely, the use of business to gain power, etc. are typical. Therefore the main task of the structural reform in Ukraine is to create a basic economic complex for internal development and the corresponding institutional architectonics, which would become the basis for the internal market, for changing the rules of the game in the economy and society, solving social problems and increasing export potential, but on a healthy and not deformed structural basis. Such an approach requires a purposeful state policy. Mechanisms of overcoming the underlying destruction and foundation of the balanced structural development should: result from assessing the real needs (not demand) of the population, subjects of management and the government, on the one hand, material and labor resources, on the other hand; ensure the proper monetization of these needs (creating demand) and the movement of resources to meet them (the formation of supply), which implies a shift in a paradigm and mechanisms of monetary and fiscal policy; be aimed at addressing three priorities: 1) the solution of fundamental problems of reproducing human activity (food, housing, health), 2) the development of infrastructure (roads, transport, communications), and 3) creating the conditions for innovation development (education, science, innovation).
URI: http://ea.donntu.org/handle/123456789/29313
Располагается в коллекциях:Випуск 1 (11)

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