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Другие названия: | Methodology of Effective Strategy Selection of Institutional Changes (the case of System of Gender Authority Institutions) |
Авторы: | Базуева, Е.В. Bazueva, E.V. |
Ключевые слова: | институциональная теория институциональные изменения качество институтов институты гендерной власти гендерная экономика institutional changes institutions quality gender authority institutions institutional theory gender economics |
Дата публикации: | 2014 |
Издатель: | ДонНТУ |
Библиографическое описание: | Наукові праці Донецького національного технічного університету. Серія: Економічна. №1 (11) / ДВНЗ "ДонНТУ" ; редкол.: В.В. Дементьєв (голов. ред.) та ін. - Донецьк : ДВНЗ "ДонНТУ", 2014. |
Аннотация: | На основе синтеза инструментария институциональной экономической теории и гендерной экономики разработана методология
выбора эффективной стратегии оптимизации
системы институтов гендерной власти, действующей в условиях современной экономики России. С этой целью осуществлен сравнительный анализ возможных стратегий институциональных изменений, определены универсальные (базовые) характеристики качества институциональной системы, их содержание уточнено с учетом методологии гендерной экономики применительно к системе институтов гендерной власти. На этой основе предложена методика отбора возможных трансплантантов для модернизации системы институтов гендерной власти в России. |
Описание: | Currently, scientists state ineffectiveness of institutions systems in action in modern Russian economy. The current Russian system of gender authority institutions is not an exception. Using the tools of economic theory is the most productive in
the development of its optimization directions. For this purpose, firstly, a comparative analysis of possible changes in institutional policies is conducted. It is stated that using a strategy of institutional design is the most effective for optimization of gender authority institutions system in Russia. Secondly, universal (basic) characteristics
of institutional system quality are defined on the basis of the synthesis of approaches to analysis and measurement of the efficiency degree of institutions
functioning and systems theory postulates and synergy in the modern institutional theory. These characteristics include objectivity, the type of connections between elements of the system , the coherence of the purposes of system elements, the
size of the system length, the extension degree, benefits, the level of diversity, sustainability, effectiveness, and efficiency. The content of these determinants is specified taking into account the methodology of gender economy in relation to the system of gender authority institutions. Thirdly, a phased technique of possible transplants selection to modernize the system of gender authority institutions in Russia is proposed. One of the results criteria is the ability to ensure economic, social and institutional effectiveness of modern economy for possible transplants selection. According to this criterion, the following integral indices are used:
gender inequality index, global competitiveness index, human resources potential development index.
Twenty countries which are leaders in terms of these indices are identified. As a determinant of the level of institutional effectiveness, functioning national
mechanism of gender power leveling, the parameter of the coherence of system elements objectives is used. Relating to the system of gender authority institutions, this means that the mechanism of economic agents’ behavior purposes subordination
to each level of the hierarchy in the institutional system should coincide with each other, form ingagreed efforts in achieving the goal. In this case,
gender authority institutions are divided into formal and informal according to the kind of rules that determ ine the disposition of gender authorities.
Comparative analysis of the functioning of formal and informal gender authority institutions allows to state that only seven countries have agreed purposes of formal and informal institutions (Norway, Austria,
Canada, Sweden, Finland, France, United Kingdom and Poland). Only in Norway, Australia, Sweden, France and Finland the current system of gender authority institutions ensures economic and social
efficiency of the m odern economy. Further selection of the most optimal modes for the conditions of modern Russian economy is conducted by means of objectivity criterion which presupposes that institutional conditions of gender authority should
be determined by the material conditions of production. Consequently, the system of institutions, leveling its reproduction, should be adequate to the material conditions of economic and social structure
of society. While using classifications of welfare state regimes by G. Esping-Andersen and classification of gender policy regim es by D. Sainsbury it is possible to determine that by designing the optimization directions of gender authority institutions system in Russia it will be the most useful to study the functioning of the Australian
system of institutions operating under liberal regime of the welfare state and a system of institutions of Sweden implemented under the social democratic welfare state regime. The final stage of the suggested
methodology is to develop tools for the
implementation of institutional gender equality mechanisms in the system of current gender authority institutions in Russia.
It seems that the comparative analysis of possible strategies for institutional change, certain criteria for assessing the quality of institutional systems
and designed selection methods of possible transplants for the modernization of gender authority institutions in Russia will allow the modernization of existing systems in Russian institutions on the most optimal path of development. |
URI: | http://ea.donntu.org/handle/123456789/29309 |
Располагается в коллекциях: | Випуск 1 (11)
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