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ВЕСТИ Автомобильно-дорожного института = Bulletin of the Automobile and Highway Institute >
2013 №1 (16) >
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Название: | Управління якістю на автотранспортних і автосервісних підприємствах: стан та проблеми |
Другие названия: | Управление качеством на автотранспортных и автосервисных предприятиях: состояние и проблемы Quality Control at Motor Transport and Motor Service Enterprises: State and Problems |
Авторы: | Нємий, Степан Володимирович Немый, Степан Владимирович Nemiy, Stepan Vladimirovich Пукало, Марія Ігорівна Пукало, Мария Игоревна Pukalo, Mariya Igorevna |
Ключевые слова: | автомобільний транспорт автомобильный транспорт automobile transport процеси управління процессы управления management processes оцінювання якості оценивание качества quality evaluation показники якості показатели качества quality parameters процесний підхід процессный подход process approach |
Дата публикации: | 2013 |
Издатель: | Автомобільно-дорожній інститут державного вищого навчального закладу «Донецький національний технічний університет» вул. Кірова, 51, м. Горлівка, Донецька обл., Україна,84646. |
Библиографическое описание: | Нємий С. В. Управління якістю на автотранспортних і автосервісних підприємствах: стан та проблеми / С. В. Нємий, М. І. Пукало// Вісті Автомобільно-дорожнього інституту: науково-виробничий збірник. – 2013. – № 1(16). – С. 74–86. |
Аннотация: | По результатам исследования состояния функционирования системы управления качеством на автотранспортных и автосервисных предприятиях (на примере г. Львова) установлено, что среди репрезентативной группы предприятий система управления качеством, соответствующая требованиям современной нормативной базы, не функционирует. С целью внедрения системы управления качеством на указанных предприятиях предложены основные виды ее процессов, а также некоторые критерии и параметры для их оценивания с целью эффективного управления ними. |
Описание: | In order to provide the high competitiveness of motor transport enterprises in Ukraine the quality of passenger and freight transportation done by those enterprises needs to be of great importance. The modern and leading motor transport enterprises of the world attain high transportation quality only on the basis of the effective quality control system operation. First of all, the transportation quality implies passenger and freight transportation according to the planned terms (schedule), passenger comfort and freight safety, traffic safety guarantee, transportation tariffs being reasonable for clients. In regard to the motor transport operation the service quality given to the clients at the motor service enterprises, namely service centres, is of great importance. In last decades the high road traffic accident rate in the country and the low passenger and freight transportation quality are the reason of stagnation phenomena occurred in the system of technical operation of motor transport vehicles. According to this fact it is considered that in the concrete the practical implementation and the operation of the quality control system are not common at the motor transport enterprises and service centres in Ukraine, and therefore there is the lack of the methodology and the practical experience of the quality control system establishment. Some criteria and evaluation indexes of the quality of work on technical maintenance and running repair at the motor transport enterprises and service centres have been considered in the available scientific publications. These criteria and indexes are considered without system and process interaction in the general structure of the management of the enterprises. At present there are practically no publications on the organization and the operation of the quality control system based on the process approach according to the requirements of the normative base being in effect at the mentioned enterprises.
The purpose of the work is to study the real state of the quality control system operation at the motor transport enterprises and service centres (in terms of the motor transport enterprises and service centres in Lviv) and to develop the propositions on the formation of the main array of processes in technical maintenance and running repair and the main criteria and indexes of their evaluation in order to manage them effectively that meets the normative requirements.
According to the study results of the quality control system operation state at the motor transport and motor service centres (in terms of Lviv) it has been established that among the representative group of enterprises the quality control system which corresponds to the requirements of the modern normative base does not operate. In order to implement the quality control system at the mentioned enterprises the main kinds of its processes and some criteria and parameters for their evaluation have been suggested. One needs these criteria and parameters for evaluation in order to manage them effectively. |
URI: | http://ea.donntu.org/handle/123456789/29222 |
Другие идентификаторы: | УДК 656.13+658.562 |
Располагается в коллекциях: | 2013 №1 (16)
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