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Другие названия: Інституційні трансформації в ході розвитку соціально-економічних циклів
Підлісна, В.Г.
Ключевые слова: социально-экономи­ческий цикл
институциональная архитекто­ника
социальный институт
институцио­нальные трансформации
соціально-економічний цикл
інституційна архітектоніка
соціальний інсти­тут
інституціональні трансформації
socio-economic cycle
institu­tional architectonics
a social institution
and insti­tutional transformation
Дата публикации: 2013
Издатель: ДонНТУ
Библиографическое описание: Наукові праці Донецького національного технічного університету. Серія: економічна. Випуск 3(45) - Донецьк, ДонНТУ, 2013.
Аннотация: Обосновано, что движение социально- экономических циклов смены способов производства определяется развитием и разреше­нием противоречий между внешней институ­циональной архитектоникой бытия общества и внутренней человеческой личности. Раз­работана классификация важнейших социаль­ных институтов. Рассмотрена трансформа­ция важнейших социальных институтов в исторической ретроспективе. Сопоставлена хронология развития волн больших социально- экономических циклов и хронология революционных преобразований института государ­ства.
Описание: Problems of socio-economic dynamics are discussed in this paper in respect to the position of logical and historical approach to the study of in­stitutional transformations. In the end, there is made a conclusion that the movement of the so­cio-economic cycles of changing the modes of production is determined by the development and resolution of conflicts between the external insti­tutional architectonics of the society's being and the internal one - of the human personality. The external institutional architectonics of the social being is defined as a developed view of the "common sense", "norms of behavior" in the spe­cific historical circumstances, which is represent­ed by the structure of social institutions containing the rules to ensure this "common sense", which corresponds with the general aesthetic plan of building up the social system in a particular mode of production. The internal institutional architec­tonics of the human person is determined by the way of thinking of an individual who has to make decisions in specific historical conditions. The ex­ternal institutional architectonics is reflected in the internal institutional architectonics of a human being. Social institutes are the product of the past, their transformation determined by the level of the productive forces development, but formed in the minds of the initially small stratum of the society that sets the wave of innovative socio-economic transformation. The dialectical process of institu­tional change does not involve the complete aboli­tion of the old institutes and the introduction of completely new ones. A change of institutions' hierarchy occurs the first. Moreover, there is a flexible and agile framework of institutional archi­tectonics and its transformations correspond to the general rhythm of the dialectic of the social organ­ism. It consists of a generic primary and vital so­cial institutions and derivatives of social institu­tions. Changing the modes of production in ac­cordance with the law "negation of the negation" is associated with a radical restructuring of the hierarchy of institutions and change of their func­tions according to the source of economic rela­tions transformation and the goal of social produc­tion. Social institutions as a product of the past at some point cease to meet the needs of the social reproduction dynamics, which is an important cause of recurrent socio-economic crises. There were considered the transformations of the institute of family, private property and the state in historical perspective. In all pre-capitalist formations institute of the family was not only the primary tribal institution, but also an important economic unit. With the transition to capitalism there began and today are intensifying the pro­cesses of disintegration and differentiation of the family institute. The institute of private property on the factor of production, most important for a particular historical epoch, is generated by the di­vision of labor and determined by the level of productive forces development. The division of labor occurs not only on the functional areas, but in fact - on the militant, aggressive (control) and peacefully - creative (work) activities. The institu­tion of private property has become an important institutional base for the militantly - predatory ac­tivity. There should be highlighted the internal and external militant aggressive activities (assigning a greater portion of the publicly produced gross na­tional product). Internal militantly-invasive activi­ty is the basis for developing the processes of la­bor alienation. The possibility for existing the mode of production in which the basic economic relationship is the creation of surplus value is de­termined by the simultaneous presence of private ownership of the means of production and the institution of the state, declaring, but not ensuring the equality of all members of the society. The private ownership of the means of production makes the deep institutional framework of socio­economic cyclical crises of capitalism. A compari­son of the history of the waves of great socio­economic cycles with the revolutionary changes in the state's institution in the leading countries in a specific historical period led to the conclusion that epochal transformations of the state institution fall on the upside wave of large cycles.
URI: http://ea.donntu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/28045
Располагается в коллекциях:Випуск 3(45)

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