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Серія: Педагогіка, психологія і соціологія >
Випуск 2(14) >
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Название: | Базовые мотивы учебной деятельности студента технического университета |
Другие названия: | Базові мотиви навчальної діяльності студента технічного університету The Basic Motives of Educational Activity of a Student of the Technical University |
Авторы: | Кушнир, Ю.В. Кушнір, Ю.В. Kushnir, Yu. |
Ключевые слова: | мотив мотивация учебной деятельности обучение motive motivation of educational activity education мотив мотивація навчальної діяльності навчання учебный процесс educational process студент student |
Дата публикации: | 2013 |
Издатель: | ДонНТУ |
Библиографическое описание: | Наукові праці Донецького національного технічного університету. Серія: педагогіка, психологія і соціологія. Випуск 2(14) - Донецьк, ДонНТУ, 2013 |
Аннотация: | Проблема формирования мотивации является одной из центральных задач при организации учебного процесса. В данной статье представлены результаты исследования учебной мотивации студентов первого курса. На основе анализа данных, полученных в ходе проведенного исследования, изложена структура учебной мотивации личности студента технического университета. Представлена характеристика доминирующих мотивов учебной деятельности. Отражена роль мотивации в профессиональном образовании в условиях современного образования. |
Описание: | The problem of the formation of motivation is one of the central purposes in the organization of educational process. The educational motivation formed by first-year students can facilitate or hinder further self-development and self-education of the person. In psychology and pedagogy the research of motivation of the educational activity, professional activity and professional training is actively conducted. This article presents the results of the analysis of the first-year students’ educational motivation. Student’s time is a period of an intense formation and development of the person as a professional and a qualified specialist. Thus, the question of motives of the educational and professional activities of students in the institute of higher education becomes particularly important. According to data analysis received in the course of the research the structure of the educational motivation of the student’s personality of the technical university is set out. The description of the dominating motives of the educational activity is presented in the article. Judging by the results of diagnostics it is possible to draw a conclusion that in most cases utilitarian (external) motives are typical of the category of students which were questioned. The motives of a personal and professional formation take the second and the third places. The cognitive motives occupy the fourth place. The public motives take the fifth position. The communicative motives are found on the sixth position. Analysis of the obtained structure of the student’s motivation towards the educational activity leads to the conclusion about the necessity of introducing more effective pedagogical techniques for the impact on this sphere of personality. The well-founded pedagogical conditions for the formation of students’ interest in the education and educational activity itself are necessary for the University to fulfill the main purpose of training the new-age specialists. The outlook of further empiric research is determined by the influence of motivational characteristics on the success of the educational activity of students and it is also governed by diminution of educational motivation during the studying. |
URI: | http://ea.donntu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/28015 |
Располагается в коллекциях: | Випуск 2(14)
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