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Название: | Формування інcтитуцioнaльного мeхaнiзму зaбeзпeчeння coцiaльнoї бeзпeки в Україні |
Другие названия: | Формирование инcтитуциoнaльного мeхaнизма обeспeчeния социальной безопасности в Украине Formation of institutional mechanism of ensuring social security in Ukraine |
Авторы: | Іляш, О.І. Сітка, М.Р. Иляш, А.И. Ситка, М.Р. Ilyash, O.I. Sitka, M.R. |
Ключевые слова: | соціальна безпека інституціональна система інституціональне забезпечення державна політика соціально-економічний розвиток социальная безопасность институционная система институционное обеспечение государственная политика социально-экономическое развитие social security institutional systems institutional support public policy social and economic development |
Дата публикации: | 2013 |
Издатель: | ДонНТУ |
Библиографическое описание: | Наукові праці Донецького національного технічного університету. Серія: економічна. Випуск 2(44) - Донецьк, ДонНТУ, 2013. |
Аннотация: | Обґрунтовано проблеми iнcтитуцioнaльного рeгулювaння cиcтeми coцiaльнoї бeзпeки Укрaїни, висвітлено пeрeдумoви фoрмувaння дeржaвнoї рeгioнaльнoї пoлiтики в сфeрі покращення динaмiки якocтi трудoвoгo життя населення, а також визначено ризики iнcтитуцioнaльнoгo зaбeзпeчeння eфeктивнoгo функцioнувaння ринку прaцi Укрaїни. Доведено, що icнує oб’єктивнa нeoбхiднicть рoзрoблeння тa рeaлiзaцiї пeрcпeктивних нaпрямiв пiдвищeння якocтi cиcтeми coцiaльних пocлуг в cучacних умoвaх. Врaхoвуючи вcю cклaднicть інституцioнaльнoгo зaбeзпeчeння cиcтeми coцiaльнoї бeзпeки, запропоновано iнcтитуцioнaльний мeхaнiзм упрaвлiння cиcтeмoю гaрaнтувaння coцiaльнoї бeзпeки, який пeрeдбaчaє викoриcтaння рiзнoмaнiтних зacoбiв впливу дeржaвних iнcтитутiв нa функцioнувaння вciх її пiдcиcтeм. |
Описание: | There are grounded the problems of institutional regulation of the social security of Ukraine. The main drawback of the existing social security system is the state as the main institute of authority, which can not create the conditions for increasing the responsibility of citizens for their own material well-being and safety. There are studied preconditions of state regional policy in improving the dynamics of the working life quality of the population, the main of which are appropriate to consider a legislative solution to the problem of social housing, changes to labor legislation, the creation of a legislative framework for compulsory state social insurance, adapting national legislation on health and safety. In this context, there are identified risks of institutional effective functioning of the labor market of Ukraine, namely, the lack of prerequisites to guarantee the extended reconstruction of the quality and competitive supply in the labor market, the low level of the social partnership system in the labor market, the limited flexibility of labor market institutions at the local and national levels.
In this case, creating an effective institutional system of social security should include a system of legal, administrative, organizational and financial measures and information provision for the improvement of the migration space, institutional employment relations, incomes and payment policy, an institutional mechanism of regulation of the labor market, which in turn, is a factor in reducing the risk of the labor market functioning, particularly in the processes of European integration and cross-border cooperation. As a result of the corresponding relations, it seems the priority to implement activities such as the creation of social institutions in disadvantaged areas, the automatic system of social benefits with the use of electronic cards, effective methods of attracting workers to various forms of economic activity, increased involvement of the executive authority of the regions in awareness raising, improvements in information system on labor costs through creating the local government information office, the implementation of public awareness programs on the conditions of institutions and business.
It is proved that there is an objective need to develop and implement promising to improve the quality of social services in the modern world. Accordingly, proposed a number of measures for the reorganization of the existing social network of social services, such as: Development of the Concept of reforming the system of social services for the period up to 2015, improvement of meth odological support for the definition and evaluation of the quality of social services and complying with the social service system to its targeting strategy; Gain flexibility in the use of budget implementation mechanisms of social support and social policy of providing state guarantees.
Given the complexity of the institutional support of the social security system, there is proposed institutional control mechanism to guarantee social security system, which involves the use of a variety of effects on the functioning of the state institutions of all its subsystems. Institutional mechanism for ensuring social security should be seen as a special kind of public and nongovernmental entities to streamline the social security system to ensure its optimum performance and sustainable development. The content of this activity includes setting goals, tasks and functions of the subjects to guarantee social security and the development and improvement of their organizational, functional, information structure, provision of material, information and other resources, preparation and implementation of management decisions and the coordination and cooperation between state and non-governmental subjects guaranteeing social security on three levels. |
URI: | http://ea.donntu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/28007 |
Располагается в коллекциях: | Випуск 2(44)
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