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Название: Феномен соціальної безпеки: сучасна методологія дослідження
Другие названия: Феномен социальной безопасности: современная методология исследования
The phenomenon of social security: modern research methodology
Авторы: Галушка, З.І.
Галушка, З.И.
Galuska, Z.I.
Ключевые слова: феномен соціальної безпеки
модель системи соціальної безпеки
підсистеми соціальної безпеки
SWOT-аналіз соціальної безпеки
стратегічний SWOT-аналіз
соціальна безпека України
phenomenon of social security
model of the social security
subsystem of social security
strategic SWOT-analysis
social security of Ukraine
феномен социальной безопасности
модель системы социальной безопасности
подсистемы социальной безопасности
стратегический SWOT-анализ
социальная безопасность Украины
Дата публикации: 2013
Издатель: ДонНТУ
Библиографическое описание: Наукові праці Донецького національного технічного університету. Серія: економічна. Випуск 2(44) - Донецьк, ДонНТУ, 2013.
Аннотация: Розкриваються методологічні засади феномену соціальної безпеки на основі використання системного підходу та стратегічного SWOT-аналізу.
Описание: Paper is devoted to studying "the phenomenon of social security" as an object of interdisciplinary research that shows not only the specific characteristics of the phenomenon of security in a particular economic sector activities, but also takes in all the common, typical, stable, that is characteristic of all spheres of human life and society. The purpose of the article is to determine the methodological principles of research into the phenomenon of social security based on a systemic approach and strategic SWOT-analysis. Social security is presented as an economic category that expresses the system of economic relationships inherent to socializing economy associated with the social responsibility of the state, corporations, business entities and civil society for maintaining a certain level of social protection of the population and social stability. From the point of view of system analysis it is considered as a system, with all the elements of any system: interdependence and subordination of the structural elements and subsystems, the existence of internal and external threats, the inputs and outputs and their indicators. The paper presents a model of social security, which in accordance with the modern theory of systems is considered in the relationship and interaction of its subsystems (adaptation, information, target, functional subsystem estimates the level of social security and subject-subsystem), each of which includes its own specific elements to ensure renewal and operation of the entire system. Adaptive system is a mechanism of adaptation to environmental changes. Indicator of its compliance with the system of social security is the flexibility (degree of adaptability) of mechanisms of social control to the demands of the environment. The information system provides for monitoring of social processes, tracking changes in their performance, identifying the nature of change and the degree of social danger. Target subsystem determines the characteristics of the social processes on the basis of allocating objectives of major subjects of social relations. Subjective subsystem shows the structure of socially responsible entities that carry social responsibility for themselves and for others. It is formed according to the existing organizational culture in the society. Functional subsystem includes mechanisms for the achievement of social security as a result of social responsibility at different levels: 1) the state, which forms the state social security system and produces social welfare and merit benefits; 2) business and civil society. Subsystem of evaluating social security provides for the use of indicators to assess the quality, objectivity and validity, adequacy and timeliness, transparency and efficiency of the social security system at a given time. The methodology for studying the real state of social security and the factors determining it is represented by SWOT-analysis of the social security system of Ukraine to compare alternatives and form the principles and directions of the strategy of social security. SWOT-analysis of the social security system is presented as a method of research, providing for the strengths (S -Strengths), opportunities (O - Opportunities), weaknesses (W - Weaknesses) and threats (T -Threats) of that system.
URI: http://ea.donntu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/27974
Располагается в коллекциях:Випуск 2(44)

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