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Название: Структура власти: источники и инструмен­ты реализации
Другие названия: Дослідження проблеми обмеження економі­чної влади
Авторы: Выголко, Т.А.
Виголко, Т.О.
Ключевые слова: экономическая власть
ис­точники власти
инструменты власти
наказывающая власть
вознаграждающая власть
условная власть
економічна влада
джерела влади
інструменти влади
караюча влада
виногороджуюча влада
умовна влада
economic power
sources of power
power tools
power of punishing
reward­ing power
conditional power
Дата публикации: 2013
Издатель: ДонНТУ
Библиографическое описание: Наукові праці Донецького національного технічного університету. Серія: економічна. Випуск 3(45) - Донецьк, ДонНТУ, 2013.
Аннотация: Исследован инструментарий формирования экономической власти, построенный на основе институционального подхода и включающий в себя необходимые для осуществления властно­го влияния инструменты, источники власти и механизм их комбинаций.
Описание: The paper analyses the objectives of the pursuit of power, including the implementation of the personal, economic and social interests, as well as obtaining power for the sake of power it­self. The power is pursued not only for the imme­diate purposes for which it was carried out, (as, for example, making a profit), but also for its own sake - for the emotional rewards derived from its ownership and implementation. There are highlighted the tools necessary for the possession and exercise of power: punish­ing, rewarding and conventional power. Punishing authority receives a submission by its ability to inflict punishment (or to use the threat of punish­ment) an individual or group, which is quite un­pleasant and painful, resulting in the individual's giving up his personal preferences in favor of the preferences of the punishing power owner. Re­warding power, by contrast, is obedience by providing rewards to the individual, for which he is willing to comply. Therefore, punishment and rebuke form punishing power, reward and praise form rewarding power. Conventional power is exercised through faith in naturalness (intelligence) submission to the will of another person. Emphasis is placed on the fact that in real life, a pure manifestation of only one of the in­struments of power is rare; in fact, all three in­struments of power are combined in different pro­portions. There appears a triangle of power tools interaction. In addition to the three instruments of exercising power there are considered three sources of power that grant the right to use it. These are a person, property and organization. These sources distinguish between those who possess the power and those who are subject to it. Personality (leadership in the general sense) is the quality of body, mind, speech, confidence, or other personal attributes that provide access to one or more of power instruments. It can be an access to punishing power through physical force in primitive societies. Now, however, a person is associated with conventional power, with the abil­ity to persuade or create faith. The property provides an opportunity to buy a submission. The association of property with rewarding power is very obvious, but the property can also attract conventional power. The organization is the most important source of power in modern society. First of all, it is relevant to the conditional power. An organiza­tion produces the necessary conviction and, as a result, the subordination of its goals. As in the case of power tools, power sources are not used in pure form, but almost always in combination. There are also numerous combinations of power sources and tools.The result of the division of powers into its anatomical components is that we can see what is fundamental and what is secondary, what are the components of a force in each case, to understand why, in the end, the power varies according to the type and extent.
URI: http://ea.donntu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/27939
Располагается в коллекциях:Випуск 3(45)

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