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Другие названия: Макроекономічна верифікація вектора інституційного і технологічного розвитку посттрансформаційної економіки
Архієрєєв, С.І.
Ключевые слова: вектор институционального развития
институциональная и технологиче­ская конвергенция
посттрансформационная экономика
вектор інституційного розви­тку
інституційна і технологічна конвергенція
посттрансформаційна економіка
institutional change
the natural state
the procedure of open access
collective ac­tion
interpretive institutional economics
Дата публикации: 2013
Издатель: ДонНТУ
Библиографическое описание: Наукові праці Донецького національного технічного університету. Серія: економічна. Випуск 1(43) - Донецьк, ДонНТУ, 2013.
Аннотация: Предложен комплекс показателей конверген­ции и дивергенции, дающих полную информа­цию об их характере. На этой основе проведе­на макроэкономическая верификация направленности вектора институционального и технологического развития посттрансформационной экономики на примере Украины. В целом вектор развития ее экономической структуры направлен в сторону достижения сближения с экономической структурой Германией, однако, в большей степени с ее исходным, а не конечным состоянием.
Описание: The paper analyses the post-transfor­mational economies' structural convergence as related to the market ones to identify the orientation vector of their institutional development and its macroeconomic performance, which in contrast to the existing purely institutional research provided insight into the development of not only in­stitutional, but technological convergence as well. The definition of these types of convergence may have been caused by the convergence of reasons. Institutional convergence is associated with the emergence and spread of common institutes and institutions, and technological - with the spread of common technologies. The above types of convergence can occur in various forms. Institutional convergence can be transformational related to the process of institu­tional transformation, and integrational related to the process of economic integration. Technologi­cal convergence may cover different territorial units or the scopes of application and is now ob­served in the globalization form. Market transformation actually means achieving transformational convergence especially in the form of institutional convergence with mar­ket economies. However, it did not solve all the problems of convergence, which is easily fixed in terms of the convergence of the development le­vel. The core of the post-transformational economy is represented by a problem of providing technological convergence with developed coun­tries, in other words - modernization of the post- transformational economy (in the transformational economy the main problem was the creation of market institutions). Thus, both market and technological transformation and therefore the main tasks of the institutional and technological con­vergence with the developed countries have been divided among themselves over time. Condition of technological transformation is not just private property, and the existence of the business environment, based on the use of technological change and able to fit into the world economic order. In addition to traditional indices of similari­ty there is used a set of indicators of convergence divergence, which allowed for a much more com­plete information on the process of mutual change.
URI: http://ea.donntu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/27934
Располагается в коллекциях:Випуск 1(43)

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