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Название: Развивающаяся фирма: междисциплинар­ные рамки анализа
Другие названия: Фірма, що розвивається: міждисциплінарні рамки аналізу
Авторы: Лемещенко, П.С.
Ключевые слова: фирма
институциональный цикл
інституціональний цикл
institu­tional cycle
Дата публикации: 2013
Издатель: ДонНТУ
Библиографическое описание: Наукові праці Донецького національного технічного університету. Серія: економічна. Випуск 1(43) - Донецьк, ДонНТУ, 2013.
Аннотация: Раскрывается более сложный и глубокий хозяйственный мир фирмы, которая в своей деятельности совсем не замыкается такой узкой цели на цели получение прибыли. Развитие фирмы проходит более сложный этап эволю­ции, где и размеры прибыли, и ее формы извлечения сопровождаются более качественными параметрами, обеспечивающими устойчивость поведения и повышение конкурентоспо­собности. Чаще всего узкий коммерческий интерес руководства фирмы мешает технологи­ческим и управленческим инновациям. Результатом этого является ее банкротство и уход с исторической арены.
Описание: The paper reveals a more complex and profound economic world of a firm whose activities are not limited with narrow goals of generating profit. Development of the company passes a more complicated stage of evolution, where the amount of profits, and the forms of its extraction are accompanied by a more qualitative parameters, ensuring sustainability of behavior and increased competitiveness. Most often, a narrow commercial interest of the firm's management prevents techno­logical and managerial innovations. The result is its bankruptcy and disappearance from the historic stage. The author convincingly criticizes the epis-temological limitations of the existing, dominant in economics, methodological approach to the firm and of the traditional analytical methods and tools. Despite the importance of the general politi­cal, economic and institutional factors it must be borne in mind that the firm or company is the main organizational, technological, industrial, commercial and social unit of the economy. And only then it is possible more or less realistically to imagine all economic activities, but also to bring the reform of political and economic level to a particular major subject of wealth - the individual and the wealth of nations as a whole on the basis of innovative ideas. The company in its evolution has its own independent path and patterns. This path only to a certain extent may depend on the environment, prompting the firm to change their behavior, strat­egy, organizational forms, micro-institutes etc. Therefore, according to the author, in the resolu­tion of this contradiction a firm can not achieve development parameters. From research and inno­vation point of view, a firm's orientation on com­mercial purposes only prevents technological ren­ovation, work on product quality, improvement of the staff qualification, etc. So to overcome this problem we must first change the methodology of researching a firm, using an interdisciplinary ap­proach. The latter already captures not only the purely economic benefits and trends, but also information about the history of the company's evo­lution, management and organizations theory, so­ciological observations about changing motivation of all staff and some occupational groups, depart­ments, issues of law and psychology, data of polit­ical and economic changes, and patterns of communication-information relationships of a firm's business activity. In the context of managing the economic organization another real problem is the relation­ship among the owner of the company, hired man­agers and people who are directly involved in production activities. The history shows a serious conflict of interests of owners and managers, managers, and hired labor, regardless of owner­ship - whether it is capitalism or socialism. This is typical of large corporations, which eventually form a common political and economic strategy of any country. It is necessary to take into account the conclusions of the "managers" who have noticed that it is possible to significantly increase the efficiency of the enterprise through the skills and art of management, discovering the full potential by motivating and encouraging staff, not only due to additional investment. The author also draws attention to the selection of a particular institu­tional and organizational form of using optimally inputs that are accessed by the "standard" econom­ic theory.
URI: http://ea.donntu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/27910
Располагается в коллекциях:Випуск 1(43)

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