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Название: К вопросу о методологии институциональ­ной экономической теории
Другие названия: До питання про методологію інституціональної економічної теорії
Авторы: СТРИЖАК, Е.О.
Ключевые слова: методология
экономиче­ская методология
институциональная экономическая теория
економічна ме­тодологія
інституціональна економічна теорія
economic methodology
institutional economics
Дата публикации: 2013
Издатель: ДонНТУ
Библиографическое описание: Наукові праці Донецького національного технічного університету. Серія: економічна. Випуск 1(43) - Донецьк, ДонНТУ, 2013.
Аннотация: Обобщены и получили развитие концептуаль­ные подходы к исследованию методологии с общефилософских и общеэкономических по­зиций. Автором разграничен методологиче­ский инструментарий новой институциональ­ной экономики и неоинституционализма в ка­честве схемы исследования экономических процессов, а также выделены основные отли­чия данных двух направлений экономической мысли от неоклассики и «старой» институцио­нальной экономики.
Описание: The author summarizes and further devel­ops conceptual approaches to research methodolo­gy from general economic and philosophical posi­tions. Philosophical foundations of the methodol­ogy determine the main vector of considering the reality; contribute to the ideological and conceptu­al formation of the scientist's outlook. At its core, methodology is the theory and method of compre­hending the reality from the scientific standpoint. The dualism of the methodology is its interpreta­tion as both of ways, methods, principles, proce­dures, and of the doctrine of the system. In addi­tion, the methodology should be seen not as a the­oretical construct separate from real life, but as a necessary prerequisite and means of addressing specific scientific issues, in the context of compli­ance with the theoretical aspects of learning and the possibilities of interpreting the assumptions in accordance with the object of study. The concep­tual nature of the methodology is considered by the author of the article in the form of a unity of the philosophical, general scientific and concrete research components. It is proved that focusing on specific scien­tific orientation of the methodology as the knowledge map of the real world it is necessary to single out the concrete economic methodology from the general methodology. This economic methodology varies depending on the object ap­plication, purpose of the study, the conditions of application of the method of research, etc. That is, each research program of economic science must have its own methodology. The author differenti­ates between methodological tools of the new in­stitutional economics and neo-institutionalism as a framework for studying economic processes, and highlights the main differences between these two areas of the neo-classical economic thought and the "old" institutional economics. Clarification of methodological foundations and basic methodo­logical principles of different schools of economic thought is a prerequisite to their relative character­istics. This division of the methodological ap­proaches used in competing research programs, allows more efficient implementation of their in­herent research potential for solving specific prob­lems of economic activity.
URI: http://ea.donntu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/27893
Располагается в коллекциях:Випуск 1(43)

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