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Название: Характеристики уровня институционального развития стран
Другие названия: Характеристики рівня інституційного розвитку країн
Авторы: Быконя, С.Ф.
Биконя, С.Ф.
Ключевые слова: институциональные характеристики
качество институтов
уровень институционального развития
інституціональні характеристики
якість інститутів
рівень інституціонального розвитку
institutional characteristics,
the quality of institutes
the level of institutional development
Дата публикации: 2013
Издатель: ДонНТУ
Библиографическое описание: Наукові праці Донецького національного технічного університету. Серія: економічна. Випуск 3(45) - Донецьк, ДонНТУ, 2013.
Аннотация: Актуальной проблемой для современного экономического знания является проблема «измерения» институтов, точнее, оценки их эффективности. Эта задача становится очень важной с позиций осуществления управляемых институциональных изменений, преобразований экономики в процессе институционального строительства. Приведена методология сравнительной количественной оценки качества функционирования институтов с целью изучения их относительного уровня развития в разных странах. Изложили ряд предлагаемых сегодня моделей, которые содержат зкзогенные параметры и, на наш взгляд, они отражают в высокой степени уровень институционального развития страны.
Описание: The paper discusses further research of institution building, creating the environment in each country inherent to its institutional field. The problem of "measuring" institutes, rather, assessing their effectiveness is the most burning issue today. This problem is very important from the standpoint of implementing controlled institutional changes, transformations in the economy, when the economic process embeds a number of new rules governing the behavior of agents who organize their choices in terms of resources, products, and technologies. In the past two decades, the world has seen significant progress in the methodology of com-parative quantitative evaluation of the quality of the institutions’ functioning in order to study them relative to the levels of development in various countries. The modern approach to estimating the institutional climate in individual countries is based on the works by Easterly and Levine, and Rodrick Sabramanian Trebby, who almost simultaneously completed their studies presenting the models in-cluding all three basic growth factor. Currently, there are four main ways to measure institutional performance: - Based on macroeconomic indicators, the method is mainly used to assess the level of the financial sector development (for example, based on the size of bank loans given to the private sector, as a percentage to GDP, the securities market capitalisation, as a percentage of GDP , etc.); - Based on interviews with businesses and the public as users of public services; - Based on interviews with experts; based on direct measurements of specific qualitative characteristics, such as, for example, the quality of education (with the use of standard tests) or competitiveness of elections (voting statistics). The above characteristics, which reflect intercountry differences in the quality of institutes, are known as indicators of the governance quality (World Bank Worldwide Governance Indicators). 1. Voice & Accountability 2. Political Stability No Violence (politiсal stability and absence of violence) 3. Government Effectiveness 4. Regulatory Quality 5. Rule of Law 6. Control of Corruption The conclusions drawn by the authors sug-gest that, although in some years within the period of study different countries became the global leaders of institutional development, however, the list of countries included in the group of leaders, shows consistency. This is associated with a sig-nificant lag of institutional development and the stability of the countries having high quality of key institutes. None of the annual rating leaders has never significantly moved far from the top positions. Economic growth is identified by changes in certain parameters, therefore, to say that any institute determines the growth, it is necessary to determine the effect of the institute’s change on changing the parameters mentioned. At present time there is not very large, but rapidly increasing number of empirical studies of the effect of institutions on the economic growth in the countries with economies in transition. Almost in all of them researchers can detect positive and statistically significant relationship between the quality of national institutes and the economic growth rates. We have presented a number of models available today that contain exogenous parameters and, in our opinion, they reflect the high degree of the level of the country’s institutional development.
URI: http://ea.donntu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/27872
Располагается в коллекциях:Випуск 3(45)

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