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Название: Структура доходов и расходов бюджета Красноярского края, как фактор инновационной трансформации региона ресурсного типа
Другие названия: Структура доходів і видатків бюджету Красноярського краю, як фактор інноваційної трансформації регіону ресурсного типу
Авторы: Сурцева, А.А.
Сурцева, А.А.
Ключевые слова: бюджет «развития» и бюджет «выживания»
доходы и расходы бюджета региона ресурсного типа
навколишнє середовище
budget of "development" and the budget of "survival"
the revenues and expenditures of the region of the resource type
Дата публикации: 2013
Издатель: ДонНТУ
Библиографическое описание: Наукові праці Донецького національного технічного університету. Серія: економічна. Випуск 3(45) - Донецьк, ДонНТУ, 2013.
Аннотация: Автор работы выделяет два типа региональных бюджетов по направленности развития инноваций: бюджет «развития», в котором доля инновационных расходов в общей совокупности инвестиционных расходов бюджета выше и бюджет «выживания», в котором инвестиционные расходы бюджета направлены на реализацию текущих функций региональной власти и поддержание градообразующих отраслей, а не на инновационную трансформацию региональной экономики посредством вложения в «шумпетерианские» инновации. Так же в работе представлена авторская методика анализа бюджетов субъектов федерации, как фактора инновационного развития региона ресурсного типа. Элементами анализа в ней выступают структура доходов и расходов региональных бюджетов. В результате апробации данной методики на бюджете Красноярского края за 2010-2012 годы автор приходит к выводу, что бюджетная политика Красноярского края идет в направлении к переходу от бюджета «выживания» к бюджету «развития», однако в полной мере этого пока сделать не удается.
Описание: The topicality of the problem is determined by the following. First, in the context of unequal results of the earlier reforms, the question of the effectiveness of proposed reforms aimed at stimulating innovation arises. Secondly, there arises the question of the regional budgets ability to switch from the tasks of "survival" to the purposes of "development" under conditions of a mismatch between the amount of fiscal responsibility of regions and local authorities, on the one hand, and sources of funding allocated to them. The achievement of economic theory in the study of various institutional aspects of innovation development of the state set a framework for the analysis of the formation of the state of "development" in Russia. However, many issues related to the study of the formation of the fiscal problems of the state in Russia have not yet been the subject of a special study. There is a need to move towards a comprehensive regional study of the problems of fiscal policy as a factor in determining the transition to innovative development as a solution to this research problem has significant theoretical, theoretical and practical importance. This research is based on the modern neoinstitutionalism approaches, in particular the concept of "path historical dependency”, with its characteristic evolution as inertia of institutional development, anchored by informal mechanisms of selection rules (D. North, P. David, B. Arthur de Soto and others) and discrete institutional alternatives, which imply the rejection of the institutional "nirvana", i.e. comparison of actual economies with some ideal state, such as the model of perfect competition (H. Demsetz, etc.). This tool allowed the development of a new method of the Federation budgets analysis as a factor in the innovative development of resource type regions. Structure of revenues and expenditures of regional budgets is proposed to be taken as the analysis components of how the budget is aimed at the region’s development or, conversely, to survival. The proposed elements of the analysis should be evaluated according to the following provisions. Budget of "survival" tends to allocate budget revenues on revenue growth of public servants, for the implementation of social policy, to finance the current function in health, physical education and sports, media and information, and the like, the costs associated with power structures. The budget of "development" is character-ized by increasing expenditures on science, education, the development of the national economy and other costs of financing innovation in various fields. The presented method of analysis of the Federation budgets as a factor in the innovative development of resource type regions has been used for analyzing fiscal policy of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. For analysis there were taken the law on the execution of the regional budget for 2010 and the laws of the regional budget for 2011 and 2012. The author comes to the conclusion that fiscal policy of Krasnoyarsk region is characterized as a fairly stable strategy of the budget of "survival", as the budget funding is dominated by the current functions of the regional authorities on social policy, public health, national security and law enforcement and etc. However, in 2011 there was a shift in the public policy in favor of creating conditions for the transition of the regional economy to innovations - this increase in spending on education funding, some special programs for financing the modernization and innovation.
URI: http://ea.donntu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/27854
Располагается в коллекциях:Випуск 3(45)

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