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Название: Институционализация качества продуктов питания в России: конститутивные и регу­лятивные правила
Другие названия: Інституціоналізація якості продуктів харчу­вання в Росії: конститутивні та регулятивні правила
Авторы: Чупин, Р.И.
Чупін, Р.І.
Ключевые слова: институционализация каче­ства
институциональные конструкты
інституціоналізація якості
інституційні конструкти
institutionalization of quality
institutional constructs
Дата публикации: 2013
Издатель: ДонНТУ
Библиографическое описание: Наукові праці Донецького національного технічного університету. Серія: економічна. Випуск 3(45) - Донецьк, ДонНТУ, 2013.
Аннотация: Статья посвящена теоретическому осмысле­нию проблемы институционализации качества продуктов питания в современной России. Для этого автором применяется институциональ­ный подход, согласно которому институционализация рассматривается через соотношение конститутивных и регулятивных правил. Было выявлено, что от согласованности и действенности данных правил зависит уровень неопределенности и возможность координации деятельности индивидов. В результате исследования предлагается теоретическая основа для разработки механизма институционализации качества продуктов питания.
Описание: After the adoption of the Federal Law of 27.12.2002 No 184-FZ "On technical regulation" there occurred the systemic transformation of state institutes responsible for ensuring the quality of consumer goods. The aim of this reform is the institutionalization of consumer goods quality in accordance with international standards ISO. As a result of the reforms carried out there was marked a high level of uncertainty in food markets in Rus­sia, which became a fertile ground for opportunis­tic behavior of food manufacturers. As a result of these processes there was reported decline in the quality of food, which led to worsening of the de­mographic situation in the health status of the population. Thus, the paper deals with theoretical understanding of the problems of quality food products institutionalization in Russia. It was found that in the modern theories of government regulation little attention is paid to the quality of food. In this regard, the institutionalization of the food quality is not only an important practical but also theoretical problem. Urgency of the problem and its doubtless practical relevance led to the purpose of this research. The end result of this study is a theoretical basis for developing the institutionalized mechanism of food quality in modern Russia. To solve this problem, the institutional approach is used according to which institutionalization is seen through the relationship of constitutive and regulative rules. Regulatory rules are the insti­tutes, and constitutive - institutional constructs. The institutional construct means constitutive rules, issued in the form of historically developed prescribed properties of a particular thing. In this case, these properties have certain features and carry the reflection of "objective" and "subjective" (real and ideal) of the properties of the object. Constitutive rule is a standard way of thinking, and the institute is a rule that forces individuals to fulfill this standard. This statement is based on the idea by D. North, that the institute includes not only the rules and regulations, but also enforce­ment mechanisms for their implementation. Social reality, in turn, appears as a set of institutional constructs, institutes and organizations (as defined by D. North, an organization is a group of people reaching their goals through institutes), and acts as a decisive and determined by the system. It was found that the level of uncertainty and the ability to coordinate the activities of indi­viduals depends on the coherence and effective­ness of these rules. Uncertainty leads to the ques­tion of coherence of institutional constructs, while a coordination problem to the effectiveness of in­stitutes. Consistency of institutional constructs can only be achieved by determining a common framework of the benefits quality assessment. Choosing a common assessment framework is a core function of the state, to be implemented by means of a quality institutionalization mechanism. This institutionalization mechanism involves the creation of the effective institutes, which should be based on institutional constructs of quality food. The effectiveness of institutes is supported, first and foremost, by their legality and legitima­cy. Rules' legality is automatically ensured by the presence of the public, while the legitimacy is linked to the interests of social groups. The study offers a theoretical basis for developing a mechanism of quality food institutionalization. However, to develop an effective mech­anism it is necessary to characterize the institu­tional constructs inherent in the different groups, and to consider the possibility of their agreement to solve theoretical and practical problems in the field of food quality. Based on the empirical study of institutional constructs inherent in different groups, there is a clear opportunity to develop an effective mechanism for the food quality institutionalization in modern Russia.
URI: http://ea.donntu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/27219
Располагается в коллекциях:Випуск 3(45)

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