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Другие названия: Споживання домогосподарств: інституціональний аспект дослідження
Авторы: ЗУХБА, Е.Н.
Зухба, О.М.
Ключевые слова: потребление
household insti­tute
Дата публикации: 2013
Издатель: ДонНТУ
Библиографическое описание: Наукові праці Донецького національного технічного університету. Серія: економічна. Випуск 3(45) - Донецьк, ДонНТУ, 2013.
Аннотация: Статья посвящена изучению проблем потребления, имеющего экономическую и со­циальную составляющую. Показан коллектив­ный характер потребления, поэтому объек­том его исследования должно быть выбрано домохозяйство, а не автономный индивид, как это предлагается в современных маржиналь­ных и неоклассических подходах. Выяснено, что потребление является процессом, нахо­дящимся под активным влиянием институци­ональной среды, оно имеет качественные от­личия в рыночном и нерыночном окружении. Характерной чертой потребления на уровне домохозяйства является его нерыночный ха­рактер, связанный с нерыночными принципами натурального производства, распределения, обмена в рамках домохозяйства. Динамика потребления отражает циклический харак­тер функционирования домохозяйства, совре­менные тенденции социального развития об­щества
Описание: The study of the consumption problems is dictated by target orientation of economic re­search. It is consumption, its level, and structure, dynamics that should be the main criterion for so­cial and economic development, social reproduc­tion, and other economic processes at the macro and micro levels. Consumption process is complex and multi layered, often having both economic and social aspects. Therefore, a study of its nature can not be carried out only from the economic and social po­sition. This integrated approach is possible, based on the institutional theory. Since the social regula­tion of reproduction is through institutional ar­rangements, it is important to understand the insti­tutional nature of the processes that make it up. The purpose of this paper is to study the process of households' consumption from the standpoint of institutional theory. As the man is primarily a social being, a representative of a particular group, stratum, class, from an institutional point of view, an individual is always a certain household, within which there occurs his consumption, in a broad sense - repro­duction. In a certain way the household is the eco­nomic section of an individual's close society, without which reproduction is impossible. Consumption is a collective process, much of the goods and services consumed in the family, so the object of his study should be an individual household level, rather than an autonomous indi­vidual, as is often suggested. The institute of a household actively influences the process of per­sonal consumption, forming its volume, structure and timing. It has normative, comparative and in­formational influence on consumer behavior of its members. Consumption is under the active influence of the institutional environment, with qualitative difference in the market and non-market environ­ment. A characteristic feature of consumption in households is their primarily non-market character due to natural production, the principles of non market distribution and exchange in the house­hold. Therefore, the final consumption of the soci­ety can not be adequately assessed on the basis of market indicators. It is necessary to take into ac­count the natural flow of food in the household sector. The multidimensional nature of the process of consumption is explained by the action of a set of institutional factors, first of all, the current sys­tem of the consumer's values. The value is the way people think about their needs, reflection in the consciousness of objectively existing individ­ual and community needs. Consumers, choosing in the complex world of goods and services, have to consider many purchases options. However, cyclically repeating purchases, they simplify the decision-making process, standardizing it and re­cording only the key, signal information about the products' quality (e.g., a brand name). With an increasing diversity of supply it is hard for buyers to orient themselves in the goods, and they have to share information, based on the opinion and expe­rience of others. As a result, the consumption pro­cess is becoming more social and institutional. As a result, recent research found that the main factors in consumer choice are social insti­tutes (the family, the role and status), culture (the culture and sub-culture, social status and origin), personal (life cycle stage of the family, age, occu­pation, economic status, type of personality, way of life, ideas about themselves, etc.) and psycho­logical (perception, learning, beliefs, motivation). First of all, today, there is explored the role and impact of the household members on taking the consumer decisions. In the area of consumption based on power there are emerging different con­sumption strategies (expert strategy, the strategy of legitimization, negotiation, compensation strat­egy, emotional appeal to an external view, etc.). Thus, household consumption is influenced by the system of institutes and can be examined from the standpoint of institutional theory.
URI: http://ea.donntu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/27107
Располагается в коллекциях:Випуск 3(45)

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