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Другие названия: Ціннісні основи ринкової координації
Пилипенко, Г.М.
Ключевые слова: экономическая деятель­ность
ценностные ориентиры
индикаторы ценностей
економічна діяльність
ціннісні орієнтири
ін­дикатори цінностей
economic activities
value orientations
values indicators
Дата публикации: 2013
Издатель: ДонНТУ
Библиографическое описание: Наукові праці Донецького національного технічного університету. Серія: економічна. Випуск 3(45) - Донецьк, ДонНТУ, 2013.
Аннотация: Статья посвящена выявлению этических факторов, влияющих на эффективность функционирования рынка как механизма координации экономической деятельности субъектов. Содержит анализ ценностей украинского общества, на основе которого делается вывод о пер­спективах либеральной модернизации Украины.
Описание: The paper studies ethical factors affecting the efficiency of the market, analyses the values of the Ukrainian society, based on which the conclu­sion about the prospects of liberal modernization of Ukraine is made. Market in neoclassical theory is considered as a mechanism to coordinate rational individuals that achieve the unity of their selfinterest on the basis of cost and price balance. However, the equilibrium price can not coordinate the full range of reasons inherent to the real person. Institution- alism assumes that the economic activity of the person is carried out in the institutional environ­ment, which is formed by the rules, creating be­havior limiting frames. Under the direct influence the selfinterest is changing, filled with moral as­pirations. However, the question remains about the mechanism of this transformation. When considering the internal structure of human motivation to economic activities, it was noted that it was based on the needs and values. Needs direct the activity on certain objects with which they are to be satisfied. However, objects on which people are directing their efforts already have in their minds the specific social definitions that form a positive or negative value of these ob­jects, that is values. They start to run the motiva­tion at the time of awareness of the need, affect the determination of the objectives through the formation of those allowed and prohibited further form an informed choice of specific ways to implement them with the possible consequences. Since it is the values that determine the internal readiness for activities related to the needs, the motivation reflects not only the conscious urge to action, but the very necessity and appropriateness of its implementation. Therefore, rules and regulations are only manifestations of values, and all institutions of the society are legitimized by con­sistent value affections of its members. The market coordinates the actors' activities through the interactions that take place in the form of purchase and sale transactions. The latter is based on a common for all understanding of the need to follow the rules of conduct common for all, which are based on values such as honesty, reliability, empathy, focus on longterm coopera­tion (form the norm of trust); obedience to the law and respect the rights of private property (form the legal rules ). The value survey, being conducted in Ukraine using techniques by G. Hofstede VSM 08 and Sh. Schwartz has revealed the almost complete absence in the society of the ethical condi­tions necessary for the functioning of a market economy, which doubts the possibility to form the market model of coordination within its economic system in a short period.
URI: http://ea.donntu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/27050
Располагается в коллекциях:Випуск 3(45)

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