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Название: | Региональная дифференциация института государственно-частного партнерства в России |
Другие названия: | Регіональна диференціація інституту державно-приватного партнерства в Росії REGIONAL DIFFERENTIATION OF THE INSTITUTE OF PUBLIC-PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP IN RUSSIA |
Авторы: | Гоосен, Е.В. GOOSEN, E.V. Гоосен, О.В. |
Ключевые слова: | институт государственно-частного партнерства региональная дифференциация інститут державно-приватного партнерства регіональна диференціація Institute for Public-Private Partnerships regional differentiation |
Дата публикации: | 2013 |
Издатель: | ДонНТУ |
Библиографическое описание: | Наукові праці Донецького національного технічного університету. Серія: економічна. Випуск 1(43) - Донецьк, ДонНТУ, 2013. |
Аннотация: | Статья посвящена изучению региональных различий института ГЧП в России. Анализ проведен на примере Сибирского федерального округа на основе данных сайта ГЧП-инфо, материалов региональных администраций и социологического опроса. Автор приходит к выводу о том, что нормативная составляющая института ГЧП в СФО очень дифференцирована и не совпадает с реальными потребностями регионов в законодательном регулировании
механизмов взаимодействия власти и бизнеса в этой сфере. В этих условиях региональное законодательство не может являться институциональной основой ГЧП. В современных условиях в России требуется принятие специального федерального законодательства о ГЧП. Он дjлжен дать легальное определение государственно-частного партнерства, определить его основные принципы, формы и механизмы, предусмотреть необходимые гарантии инвесторам, разработать формы дополнительной государственной поддержки ГЧП проектов. В основе статьи лежит исследование проведенное автором в рамках регионального гранта РГНФ «Методология и методика оценки готовности регионов к внедрению инновационных проектов ГЧП» - 11-12-42001. |
Описание: | Our country is entering a new phase of its development, and heads for the comprehensive modernization of the transition to innovative development. In modern conditions, ensuring strong and sustainable development of the country and the region, achieving the strategic objectives of the government is impossible without close cooperation of federal, regional and municipal authorities with representatives of private business. A public-private partnership is an internationally recognized form of this mode of interaction. Russia can not boast an ideal functioning institution of public-private partnership. The country has not developed the practice to turn out the PPP projects, there is no single state policy in the field of public-private partnership, there is no adequate legal framework, all increase the risk to investors and makes such projects are very expensive and risky. A major problem is the regional differentiation of the Institute of PPP.
The purpose of this article is to study the causes and drivers of differentiation and the institute of PPP in Russia, analysis of the possible con-sequences. To achieve this goal, the author has analyzed and compiled information about the level of PPP projects development and the level of the PPP institute development in the Siberian Federal District, which is one of the leaders in this field, along with the Central, Volga and Urals regions.
The condition and the level of the PPP institute development in Russia are analyzed. Its features comprise the absence of specific federal legislation and highly controversial nature of the regional legislation on PPPs. The paper summarizes objective and subjective reasons that led to this situation. Objective reasons include the Russian territories huge differences in economic development, the diversity of resources and institutes (including the nature and tradition of elite control), social characteristics and lifestyles. Among the subjective ones are: the drive through market reforms to narrow the scope of state intervention in the economic process, the attempt to develop the PPP market institute that can, by "bottom-up" proposal of the rules, ensure the formation of the institute of PPP as the relevant regional needs and the wishes of the regional authorities and businesses. It is noted that in the absence of comprehensive federal legislation regulating relations in the PPP, the PPP inevitably has institute regulatory gaps in areas such as: the contents of a public- private partnership, the set of valid forms of PPP mechanisms to support investment and PPP projects, leading to lack of confidence in regional regulations.
The paper carries out the analysis of the PPP institute status in the Siberian Federal District. There are introduced the features of PPP projects, revealed the content of the institutional capacity of the PPP institute and assessed the level of development and balance. The study showed that the PPP unevenly developed in the regions that are part of the SFO. Most of the projects are infrastructure projects fully funded by the federal and regional budgets. Regulatory component of the PPP Institute in the SFO is differentiated and does not match the real needs of the regions in the legislative regulation mechanisms of interaction between government and business in this area. In these circumstances, the regional legislation can not be the institutional framework of PPP. Under current conditions Russia requires special federal legislation on PPP. There should be given a legal definition of a public-private partnership, to determined its basic principles, forms and mechanisms to provide the necessary guarantees to investors, to develop additional forms of state support for PPP projects. This article is based on the study conducted by the author in the framework of a regional grant RHF "Methodology and assess¬ment methodology of regions' readiness for the introduction of innovative PPP projects" - 11-12-42001. |
URI: | http://ea.donntu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/26332 |
Располагается в коллекциях: | Випуск 1(43)
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