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Название: Study of effect hard rock layer has on floor heaving in coal mine by finite element method
Авторы: Касьяненко, Андрей Леонидович
Родзин, Станислав Владимирович
Kasyanenko, Andrey
Rodzin, Stanislav
Ключевые слова: Mine working
Rock pressure
Floor heave
Hard rock layer
Finite elements method
SolidWorks Simulation
Дата публикации: 28-Ноя-2012
Издатель: 12th International Scientific Conference iNDiS 2012: Planning, Design, Construction and Renewal in the Civil Engineering Novi Sad, November 28-30, 2012. – pp. 375-382
Библиографическое описание: Mine working, Rock pressure, Floor heave, Hard rock layer, Finite elements method, SolidWorks Simulation
Аннотация: This paper presents the results of analytical study of the effect the hard rock layer has on floor heaving in mind by the finite element method using software solution SolidWorks Simulation (COSMOSWorks).In our experiments we analyzed the results of floor heaving with uniform structure. We made quantitative measures in relative metrics. The performance of limestone as a hard rock layer has been used, and claystone has been used as a basic rock in the model. Variations of thickness and layer depth of hard rock enables us to give more precise evaluation of changes in deflected mode which lead to displacement of floor rocks. The results obtained in the course of analytical research have qualitative value and can be applied in developing different criteria of evaluating occurrence and forecasting floor heaving.
URI: http://ea.donntu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/26095
ISSN: 978-86-7892-453-8
Располагается в коллекциях:Научные публикации кафедры РМПИ

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