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Название: The monitoring of the education service and labor markets interaction based on the level model
Авторы: Mudraya, Olga Valerievna
Ключевые слова: monitoring
educational services market
labor market
Дата публикации: 3-Апр-2014
Серия/номер: The state, corporation and individual: correlation of rights, economic interests and ways of their realization: Materials digest published on the results of the LXV International Research and Practice Conference and III stage of the Championship in Economic sciences and Management, Juridical sciences.-London, October 10 – October 15, 2013.;
Аннотация: The monitoring need for regulation the interaction of the education and labor market has been grounded. The peculiarities and objectives of the educational monitoring has been defined. The main stages of the monitoring study have been considered. The use of the level model for the diagnosis and monitoring of the education services and labour markets interaction have been proposed.
URI: http://ea.donntu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/25615
Располагается в коллекциях:Публікації кафедри "Економіка і фінанси"

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