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Серія: Електротехніка та енергетика >
Випуск № 2 (15) >
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Другие названия: | Исследование влияния режима работы нейтрали электрической сети 35 кВ на уровни дуговых перенапряжений The Research of Influence of Neutral Conductor Working Conditions of Eectrical Network 35kV on the Level of Arc Overvoltage |
Авторы: | Яцейко, А.Я. Козак, К.В. Горошко, О.Б. YATSEYKO, A. KOZAK, K. HOROSHKO, O. |
Ключевые слова: | електромережа дугова перенапруга цифрова модель ізольована нейтраль резонансно- заземлена нейтраль резистивно-заземлена нейтраль кратності перенапруг электрическая сеть дуговое перенапряжение цифровая модель изолированная нейтраль резонансно-заземленная нейтраль резистивно-заземленная нейтраль кратности перенапряжений arc overoltage digital model electrical network isolated neutral resonant grounding neutral resistance grounding neutral multiplicity of overvoltages |
Дата публикации: | 2013 |
Издатель: | ДонНТУ |
Библиографическое описание: | Наукові праці Донецького національного технічного університету. Серія "Електротехніка і енергетика". № 2 (15), 2013 р., 338 с. |
Серия/номер: | Электротехника и энергетика; |
Аннотация: | Досліджено вплив характеру розвитку та режиму заземлення нейтралі електромережі 35 кВ на рівні
дугових перенапруг. На основі цифрового моделювання показано, що на величини дугових перенапруг значно
впливає момент загоряння та згасання дуги. Наведено графічні залежності кратностей дугових перенапруг від
характеру горіння заземлюючої дуги, конфігурації електромережі та режиму заземлення нейтралі. |
Описание: | It is researched the influence of the developmental character burning grounding arc and grounding
conditions of neutral of electrical network 35 kV on the level of arc overvoltage. On the basis of computer simulation it
is shown that the character of arc overvoltage is significantly affected by the time of ignition and extinction of the arc.
There were given schematic dependencies of arc overvoltage multiplicities which depend on the nature of combustion
of grounding arc and the conditions of neutral grounding. On the basis of results it can be seen that multiplicity of
overvoltage increases with increasing of capacitive current’s closing phase for each of the methods of neutral
grounding. In 35 kV network with isolated neutral the largest multiplicity overvoltage is observed due to the theory by
Petersen (K = 6.534), and for two another ones multiplicity is K = 2.697 (theory of Peters/ Slepyan), K = 2.285 (theory
of Belyakov-Dzhuvarly). Also we may notice that the level of overvoltages during arcing in EN with isolated neutral
exceed the overvoltage in resistive neutral grounding. There was made a research on arc overvoltages for the case of
resonant neutral grounding. In particular, it was researched the influence of decompensation degree on capacitive
current closing phase of land on the magnitude of arc overvoltage. The results show that increase of the decompensation
degree of Ic brings to increasing of multiplicity of overvoltage. The best example is in in the burning arc theory of
Petersen. In particular, overcompensation with considerable multiplicity of overvoltages can rise to K = 4.331. Also we
can be seen that during a considerable undercompensation Ic overvoltages increase within 15%, the overcompensation
can increase twice or even exceed the level of corresponding overvoltages of electricity network within an isolated
neutral, so there is a need of special protection from the effects of electrical power arc overvoltages. The use of high-
resistance neutral grounding resistor provides a significant reduction in levels of arc overvoltage, almost to the levels
needed for safe electrical isolation irrespective of the burning arc and level of grounded capacitive current (i.e.
configuration of electrical network). The only significant drawback of resistive grounding is complication of grounding
resistor construction, which has to withstand long-term effect of the working phase of voltage power supply, and this is
the cause of its high price and the need for maintenance. |
URI: | http://ea.donntu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/23497 |
Располагается в коллекциях: | Випуск № 2 (15)
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